Chapter 3 Veta

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So as I walk with Shar, I notice how he looks. He has bleach blonde hair and bright green eyes. He's not very tall maybe my height. But what I really realized is how old he looks. He couldn't be any older than I am. Which is strange because all the other men looked about 40 years old and they were all really tall with light brown hair. They all looked so similar that it seemed peculiar that this one guy looked so different.
"So how old are you?" I asked
"140,"he replied
"What?!" I asked, astonished
" here on Veta we count our age differently than you do on Earth. Every year there is 10 years hear. We live to 1000 years old here." Shar explained.
We kept walking and soon we came to a bunch of normal two story houses that all looked the same. Dark Blue with white trim.
"These are the houses that people with water power stay in. Everyone is assigned a house based on power and level of skill on that power." Shar said.
We kept walking until we came across another road with another line of houses about the same size as the others except this time they were red with orange trim.
"These are the fire holders houses." Shar explained.
We came across two more rows of houses one was light blue for ice, and green for plant people. Then we came across some shabby little houses that were all brown.
"Who lives in these houses?" I asked
"Those would be the lesser powered people such as flying, shape shifting, or invisibility. The four main powers ice, fire, water, and nature are more useful and therefore get better housing." Shar said in an almost disgusted way.
So we kept walking for awhile until we came across some more houses. These ones had all the combinations of colors as in the the first four rows of houses we came across.
"So what are those?" I asked.
"Those are the octinant's houses." Shar announced.
"The who what's?" I questioned.
"They're the people with two different powers." He replied.
So we kept walking and we were walking in silence for a few minutes so I decided to break the silence by asking a few questions.
"So who were those people back there, and you?" I questioned.
"We are the council, and if your wondering why I am so different, that's because I'm the newbie, they never pick new people but I am just about the strongest an most powerful of everyone except for that boy and now you." He replied.
"What powers do u have?" I asked.
"Fire, nature, strength, and speed." He answered.
"I thought people only had three powers or less?" I said wearily.
"Yes but everyone on the council gets an extra one." Shar said winking.
We kept walking for about another mile before we came to more houses. These houses were in all the combinations of the first four but using three different colors.
"These are the sevensets houses." Shar announced.
"What are those?" I asked confused.
"Three powers." He said blunty. "Now that we got those places done, I can show you your house."
So we walked about two more miles when Shar stopped in front of a huge mansion looking place.
"This would be your place." Shar said.
"What?" I asked astonished.
"Well you and your roommate." He replied "like I said, more power, better house, and you get treated better, it's always been that way and always will."
And with that he led me inside.

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