Chapter 13 Tired

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We searched all around the school and found no one, so we went back to the big group where all the commotion was going on. I didn't look good. we were greatly outnumber and it didn't look like there was any way we would possibly win.
"I can do this." I yelled to illijah over the noise.
"Are you crazy?! That will kill you! It would take way to much power!" he answered.
"We don't have a choice," I replied.
I wasn't going to listen to what he said. I had to do this. I could take them down. all I had to do was blow them all up. the only hard part was surviving it. It took a lot of energy just to blow up small things. There had to be about 1,000 people there. I was scared.
"I'll help you" Illijah suggested
"How?" I asked
"A few days ago, I told you that healing wasn't my only powers, trust me, I can help,"
"You think we can do it?" I questioned
"We have to try," he answered.
"Okay, on the count of three we will both try and take them all out," I started "one.."
"Two" he said
"Three!" We both yelled. I channeled all the energy I possibly had, and fired.
Then before I could do anything else. I was unconscious.

I woke up in bed. I quickly sat up and looked around. the whole room was white and empty except for another bed lying a few feet away from the one I was sitting in. in that bad Illijah lay, still sound asleep. I panicked. I didn't know if the battle was over or what happened after I went unconscious. that's when the door opened up, and Shar walked through. Well, rolled through. He was in a wheelchair and he looked like he Haden's slept in days.
"Hey, your finally awake, I didn't think you ever gonna wake up," he said
"What happened to you?" I asked
"Ferox," he said frowning. this made me even more mad, that that monster was still out there, hurting my friends.
"He's, dead now," Shar claimed.
"What? Who killed him?" I asked eager for answers.
"Me, and Lana,"
"Lana? She was like his best friend," I said confused.
"Yeah well it's not like she survived either," Shar said, even more sad.
"At least we won," he said, a little more upbeat.
"We did?" I asked
"Yeah, you and Illijah took em' all out a few weeks ago,"
"A few weeks ago?!" I asked stunned.
"Yeah, you've been asleep ever since." he replied. I was shocked. I didn't think it was possible for someone to be asleep for weeks at once. Then I heard a gasp. Illijah was awake.
"What happened is it over?" Illijah panicked.
"Yeah, a few weeks ago." I answered
"Yeah, crazy right, we've been asleep for a long time." I said.
"Shar!! What happened to you?" Illijah asked.
"Long story" was all he said.
Illijah jumped out of bed and ran over to Shar.
"I'll heal you," he said, his hands starting to glow that yellow color, when he's about to use his healing powers.
"No use, I'm paralyzed," Shar explained as he stared at the floor, with a glum look on his face.
"I know," Illijah smiled. Then he sent his magic to Shar.
"How-" Shar started.
"Cool, huh?" He said. Shar got out of his wheelchair and opened the door.
"C'mon, everyone has been waiting a few weeks to see you two," Shar said.
He led us out the door, and walked towards the town square.

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