Chapter 4 The Roomate

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As we stepped into the house I was beyond impressed on how big and marvelous the house was. There was three stairways, one in the middle, one to the right and the other on the left. By the middle stairway was an entrance into what looked like an enormous kitchen.
"The right side is yours," a boy explained as he walked down the left side stairs."names Illijah, and yours?"
"Adaline," I replied.
"Well I'll let you two talk and let you settle in then," Shar said as turns and headed for the door.
As soon as the door shut behind him Illijah started talking again.
"Look, as long as you stay on your side of this place, we won't have any problems, got it?" He grouched.
"Excuse me but did I do something wrong?" I asked witfully.
"We are two totally different people, and if you thought I was gonna be your little girl buddy, you were wrong, now I got things to do." He huffed. And with that he marched upstairs.
I decided to go up the right side stairs and see what "my side" was like. When I reached the top of the stairs I came upon a huge hallway with about 20 different doors leading into more rooms.
"This is all mine?" I muttered to myself. I started peeking into all the rooms to see what lay inside. Through one door was a kitchen, not to big, not to small. Three other doors had bathrooms. Four were bedrooms. One room had weird contraptions that looked like manikins but really advanced ones. One was a laundry room. Another was a living room with a big flat screen and a huge sectional couch. The rest of the rooms were just empty. I had no bags to unpack because I was just taken away from my house- my house! My parents! They're probably worried sick! I started panicking, I knew I had to find Shar and tell him that I needed to talk to my parents. That's when Illijah started talking from the door way to the main bedroom which I was in.
"Sorry if I sounded rude earlier, I'm just in a bad mood, I just wasn't thinking right." he said glumly.
"Whys that?" I asked
"People at this dumb school don't understand me, they think I'm stuck up like the sevensets. It's been hard to make friends, I just assumed that you would be like them, so I saved the trouble in trying."
"How long have you been here?" I questioned.
"A week" he answered.
"Did they just kidnap you too?" I asked
"Yeah, I didn't even get to say goodbye to my parents, but apparently they knew for a few days I was going to be taken." He answered with a frown.
"That's probably the same for me too." I thought.
"Well it's getting pretty late," Illijah said, " you're going to need some rest for the first day of school tomorrow."
"Sounds like a blast." I said sarcastically.
"I'll show you around," he said.
And with that, he turned and walked out the door, and shut it behind him.

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