Chapter 17 Home

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As we were walking I realized something.
"Wait," I said stopping abruptly. "It's like 8:00p.m, school would have been let out hours ago.
"Yeah I know, once we get there we'll go get some sleep," Shar replied.
So we kept walking. After about twenty minutes we arrived at the school. It looked so small compared to the one on Veta.
"Alright, let's go!" Shar said grabbing me and Illijah's hands.
"Wait wha-," Illijah started saying before being cut short from the gust of wind.

We were back on Veta.
"Alright, get some sleep and meet back here tomorrow," Shar said before turning to leave. I just shrugged and started walking back home. Illijah was walking with me and it was about 10 minutes before he spoke.
"Sorry, about, today," he started "but u gotta move on, she's in a better place now, she no longer has to suffer through the pain,"
I just nodded and kept walking. I felt like crying again. He was right though, there's nothing I could have, or can do, I just have to move on,and continue the trip.
When I got home I told Illijah that was going to go to to bed early. When I got to my room I just plopped on the bed. I sat there for awhile thinking. Thinking about all that has happened the past week, and what's to come. I thought more about the trip, about taking kids away from their homes. Was there someway the parents knew about them leaving? Maybe they know about their powers and know there is a chance they will be taken. I tried not to think to much about it, and decided to go to sleep finally.

I woke up feeling fresh, although it didn't last long. After a couple of minutes I remembered what happened yesterday. I decided to do everything I could to forget about it. So I got up, and went to pick out my outfit. I put on a little above the knees, black and white chevron skirt, and a black long sleeve shirt. I decided to curl my hair. dressing up always lifted my spirits so I thought why not. then I went downstairs, and out the door.

I arrived at the town square like Shar instructed last night. The boys were already there and ready to go.
"Everyone ready?" Shar asked.
Me and Illijah nodded in agreement, and Shar took our hands. Just as before we were on Earth in a matter of seconds. But this time, we were in the parking lot of the school. I figured that's why Shar wanted to go there last night, so we could just show up here today. the hours on Earth and Veta were off a little. So on earth it was about 2:20 p.m. perfect timing for school to get out.
"Okay just look for people who have powers, when either of you spot one, tell me." Shar said. I stood there, waiting for everyone to come out. As soon as the doors opened the parking lot flooded with kids. I tried to find someone but it it too crowded to see anything. Soon the crowd was on the buses and soon was gone from sight. Only a few people lingered in the parking lot, I went to go get a better look. As I approached the first two people the boys followed. I could now see they both had powers. One had red, curly hair and was really tall, she had nature, fire, and water powers. The other one was not clear, she must not know she has them yet. She had blonde straight hair and was a lot shorter then the first girl.
"These two have them," I said to Shar.
"Okay I'll search them now," Shar said.
I turned back to them and suddenly realized that the curly haired one was hurting the other girl. She was  growing small trees and sending them at the girl, and she was strangling the girl with vines. All the while she was laughing at the girl. I was angry. This girl was gonna pay,she had no right to hurt that girl. So I stomped up to her, and punched  her square in the face. I forgot how strong I was until I saw her laying on the ground, blood dripping from her nose and mouth. Illijah went over to the girl bleeding on the ground, I figured he would heal her, but he didn't,not at first anyway.
"What were you thinking?" He said disgusted in the girl.
"What's it matter to you anyway?" She grumbled back.
Illijah gave her one last disgusted look, then healed her and pushed her over to shar. I walked over and untangled the vines from the poor girl, a terrified look on her face.
"Thanks," she said.
"No problem, but we need you to go talk to that guy over there, his names Shar," I replied calmly.

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