Chapter 6 Ferox

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I got inside my house and went upstairs to find the computer. After searching all the bedrooms I finally found it in the last one I checked. It was a really nice computer and looked just like the apple brand desktops only it wasn't Apple of course. I turned it on and searched the website ziz like Shar asked me to. I searched his name and just like he said I could chat with him. So I sent a quick "hey" before grabbing a snack and heading out the door for Ferox's house. when I arrived outside his house I saw three boys, which I soon realized we're sevensets, gathered around what looked to be Ferox. They all had the same three powers, strength, ice, and fire. As I got closer I could see that they were tourturing him.
"Hey!" I yelled at them
They all glanced at me for a second, then went back to fighting the outnumbered Ferox.
"Stop!" I screamed, but of course they didn't. So I ran up to one of them and tackled them. I tried to hold him down but he pushed me off. Then he started throwing flames at me, I decided to do what I do best, electrocuting. I channeled all my energy and sent a huge dark purple lightning bolt down on him. As soon as hit him he barely had time to scream before he was electrocuted. I wasn't trying to kill the boy so I left it at him being mildly burned. and sent him running.but apparently my new friend wasn't so nice.I looked over to see that Ferox had just taken out the other one by turning into a dragon and taking the boy way up in the sky, and watching him fall to his death. I couldn't bare to look at the guy so I decided to just disintegrate him. Now there was only one left, we didn't even need to go near him before he was running like a scared little boy. I looked back at Ferox who was now human again, and he gestured for me to come inside.

Once we were inside I realized how poorly everyone lived. The house could have had no more than 5 bedrooms, and I saw at least 20 people in the house. The house was just like any ordinary house though. It had everything you would see in a regular two story house.
"Come to the kitchen we'll talk in there," Ferox said.
Once we sat at the little kitchen table Ferox started talking.
"I wanted you to come over for a few different reasons," he started
"Wait," I interrupted "what are we gonna do about the kid outside?" I asked worried
"Things like that happen all the time, the council doesn't really care," he replied nonchalantly."now I need your help. There is another group of people like us, we call them the bludgers. They are evil, and they're planning an attack on us."
How do you know about all of this?" I questioned.
"It's complicated, but I need you to help me gather a group of people to fight them."
"Shouldn't we be telling the council, and like, getting everyone to help?" I asked.
" we can't involve the council," he said. "They will just pick the best of the best, aka. the sevensets."
" I really think we should tell them if it's that serious." I replied.
"Okay but first get a group of good people, then tell them they're helping with the fight, so far there's me, you, and my friend Lana on the team. Got any other suggestions?" He asked, eager for an answer.
"Illijah, and Shar," I answered.
"Why Shar? He's in the council." he said disgusted
"He's not like them, he's- unexplainable," I answered lost in thought. He was so familiar, yet I just met him.
"Well if you like him so much he can be on the team" he said with a grunt.
"Good, I'll talk to them both and make sure they're on board, see ya tomorrow," I said and turned and left the house. Ferox seemed a little intimidating, so I was glad I got out of that house when I did.

After asking both the boys about the team, they both agreed to help, Shar was gonna help get the government to pick more than just sevensets, and I started to think we were really prepared. I got on ziz and sent Ferox a message saying everything was set and ready to go. He replies by saying now we have to train be prepared. With that thought in mind I drifted off to sleep.

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