Chapter 10 Pain

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When I got home I slumped into a seat at the kitchen table.
"What happened?" Illijah asked
"Ferox is an idiot, we can't trust him. he's trying to kill people on our side." i angrily replied.
"Although we need to put a stop to what he's doing, we have a bigger problem, we have no clue when the bludgers are going to attack."
That's when I heard a knock at the door. I walked over to the entrance and opened the door a crack. it was Shar . And he didn't look happy, no, he looked terrified. as I opened the door completly I realized he wasn't in good shape. He had bruises everywhere, and it didn't look like he could stand without holding something for support.
"What happened back there?" Shar asked worriedly. I must have been in bad shape myself because it seemed that question kept being asked. Only I couldn't feel pain.
"I was just going to ask you that." I answered. "come in,"

Once we were back in the kitchen Shar started talking again.
"Once you two left, things went crazy," he began. "People got angry, they all went to go find where Ferox ran off to, probably to tourture him, but he was no where to be found, neither was that little boy, which made them even more angry because they assumed he took the kid with him, then they assumed I knew where he was just because I'm on the council, so they all beat me up,"
"So no one has found him yet?" I asked anxiously.
"Not even a clue as to where he went," he replied. "The council is hoping to find him by tomorrow. Maybe he just got frustrated and took a walk who knows where." after a long pause Shar continued talking "anyways, I gotta get going, see ya tomorrow." he said, then he got up and walked back to the door and left.
"I'm really worried, he could be anywhere, he could be killing people," I starting rambling on about all these crazy things that probably wouldn't happen when Illijah interrupted.
"Calm down, it'll be okay, you need some rest. tomorrow we are going to go to school, and when we get home plan for the bludgers, Ferox is no longer our problem," he said calmly.
"Okay... I'll see ya tomorrow then," I said. then I walked out of the kitchen and headed up stairs to try and sleep.

I woke up feeling better. It was almost like the bruises I had were no longer there. I got out of my bed and put some casual clothes on. a sweater and leggings. when I looked in the mirror to do my hair, I saw that I had bruises on both of my eyes. I didn't think I was hurt that badly, but apparently the force of that water really hit me. I quickly put my hair in pony tail, not wanting to remember that day- or him.

When I got downstairs Illijah was already there.
"You look alot better today," he said smiling.
"I feel better too," I replied
"Ready to go?"
I nodded and we started walking out the door, and to the school. as we were walking my legs started to feel weak. I guess I was still weak from the fight. Illijah realized and asked if I was ok. I said yeah because I didn't want him to worry. he just put his arm around shoulder, and we kept walking.

Once we got in the school, we got more stares, this time with no expression, just blank stares. Mrs. Klips class was just practicing again, as it has been for the past few days. Everything was going well and school was just about to let out when an alarm went off. it seemed as if everyone knew what to do. But me and Illijah were clueless. Illijah had only been here a week
more then me and the school must not have had a drill since he had gotten there. then an announcement came on
"Illijah and Adaline need to report to the main office imeadiatley," it announced. Great, another thing to get stares about.

Once we got down Shar and the rest of the council were waiting for us.
"They're hear," was he all said
"Get everyone ready," a council member ordered
Then it turned into complete chaos.

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