Chapter 5 School

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I woke up to a knocking on my door.
"Good morning Adaline, get up, we gotta leave for school in an hour," Illijah said "meet me by the door in one hour exactly." Then I heard his footsteps slowly fade away.

I crawled out bed and went to the dresser in the corner of the room. I opened the drawer to find all my clothes perfectly folded. "How did my clothes get here?" I wondered. Then again what makes sense about anything that happened in the past day. I decided I would wear something not super dressy but not too sloppy. So I wore a black flowy t shirt and white skinny jeans. I wore black combat boots to top it off. I decided I wasn't in the mood to try and cook breakfast so I decided to wait for Illijah downstairs. As soon I as got down there I went to investigate the room by the middle stair way to see what lay inside. Once I got there I realized it was a kitchen, and a marvelous one at that. With perfect granite countertops hanging lights and the thousands of cupboards I wondered why the right side of the house even needed its own kitchen.
"I see you found the main kitchen." Illijah said. "A little over the top right?"
"You can say that again," I replied.
"It's about time to go, you ready?"
"As I'll ever be" I frowned.
"One more thing," he said as he moved his hand from behind his back.
"It's for you," he said with a blush. In his hand he held a daisy. I just stood there with probably the most red face you could imagine. I was blushing head to toe. Just then he walked up to me and stuck it in my hair.
"Let's go," he said as we turned for the door.

As soon as we reached the school I froze. I was stunned at how big the school was.
"Don't worry, looks bigger on the inside the outside."  Illijah said with a grin.
Once we got inside Illijah led me to the office so I could get my schedule. It was pretty quick because as soon as we got in there the secretary knew who I was.
"Nice to meet you, here's your schedule and just stop on by if you have any questions." she said way to politely.
"Uh- thanks." I replied, obviously looking nervous. First class on my schedule was Mrs. Klips skills and training class. As we walked through the halls I got stares from everyone. Illijah also got stares, disgusted looks from the boys, and Googly eyes from the girls. Illijah was a pretty good looking guy, he had messy, black hair. He was tall for his age, about 5'10, and his eyes were we're practically yellow, but every so often I swear I saw them change colors. We finally arrived at Mrs. Klips class. Inside had those manikins that were in one of the rooms back at the house. We entered the room and again I got a bunch of stares. I took a seat next to Illijah in the back.
"Today you are going to be put into partners and your going to be explaining how a power you both have works." Mrs. Klip explained. Mrs. Klip was an older lady, she had gray hair that was neatly in a bun. She wore a t shirt with a long skirt. She started naming off partners and I listened to hear Who I was put with.
"Adeline and Ferox." I heard her say. As soon as she let us get up and get with our partners a boy approached me with blonde and brown hair and big glasses.
"Hi I'm Ferox, you're new here right?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm Adaline," I said quietly.
"Cool, nice to meet you," he exclaimed.
"So do you want our project to be on shape shifting or water control?" I asked.
"How did you know what powers I had?" He asked astonished.
"I can see everyone's, when I look at people I just know what they have, I just assumed everyone did." I said with a shrug.
"Well anyways, I think we should do shape shifting since I'm higher leveled at that." he answered.
"Alright let's get started." I said
We talked about how shape shifting works and wrote it all down on a piece of paper. Once class was almost over Ferox and I started cleaning up when he asked me a question.
"Hey will you come to my place tonight, I really need to talk about something important."
"Sure I guess so." I said a little confused.
"Okay my house is the third one down in the octinants section. see ya around 7:00p.m." He said before rushing out the door. After skills and training I had the same classes as I did back on Earth. Math science that kind of stuff. Only It was angles of flying and the properties of fire. When the day ended I was walking out the school door when Shar suddenly stopped me.
"Hey can I talk to you in my office?" He asked sheepishly.
"Uh- sure ." I replied, I little confused.
When we got in his office he shut the door behind him. We were in a small gray room with a couple chairs on one side of a table and one chair and a computer on the other side.
"So I wanted to talk to you about your powers." he started. "now I know you have all the main ones but they're other ones that you have to. you can see other peoples powers, you can create powers- have you created any powers?" he asked eagerly.
"Four maybe." I said
"Well what do they do?"
"One disintegrates things, another blows things up, one electrocutes people with purple lightning, and one melts all your inner organs...." I said nervously.
"Wow, I don't quite know if I understand the last one though, could you maybe give a demonstration?" He asked.
"Um well I really can't unless your who I'm demonstrating on." I replied.
"I think I can handle it," he said arrogantly.
"Alright if you say so." I said
So I channelled all my energy and with a slight flick of my wrist I sent the power to him. He imeadiatley fell to the floor screaming in agony. He was was curled in fetal position and screaming at the top of his lungs. Although you couldn't see anything happening, it was painful to watch. When I thought he had enough, I stopped and imeadiatley the power vanished, restoring his organs back to normal. It was only permanent if I let it destroy the subject completely.
"Dang, that's some wicked stuff," he replied with sneaky grin. "When you get back home go on the computer in one of the bedrooms and go on the website ziz. Then search my name and you can talk to me through text on there." He said "I'll talk to you later on there, you can leave now,"
So I walked out of his office and out of the school and headed back home before I had to leave for Ferox's house.

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