Chapter 12 Death

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I froze. I stood staring at him for almost a minute. When suddenly he morphed into something I couldn't identify. Whatever it was it was quick, because he got over to me and tackled me in less than a second. Then, when I was pinned to the ground, he morphed back to human and and used his water powers to try and drown me. I tried to squirm away, tried to get a breath of air, but it was no use. I was going to die. Then, just before I ran out of air, I got a sudden rush of adrenaline. I pushed him off and got to my feet. I sent a wave fire at him but of course he morphed before it could do any real damage. Then he morphed into something strange. I had no idea as to what it was but had huge claws that were very intimidating. I tried to freeze him but it seemed like the beast just absorbed anything I threw at it. Then it grew wings, flew above me, and a ran. I ran as fast as could. but of course, the beast was one step faster. It swooped down and grabbed me with its talons. Then he just about scratched me to death, before flying about 50 feet in the air. Then, just before He dropped me, he said one simple sentence.
"Didn't think you were actually going to win right?"
Then he dropped me. tried to fly, morph into anything, but I was to tired and hurt. I was going to hit the ground, feel a quick moment of pain,and it would all be over. I closed my eyes, I would probably be crying if I wasn't so angry and hurt. Hurt by the fact that I once trusted this guy, called him my friend. that's when I hit. But I wasn't dead. No, I didn't hit the ground. I must have only fell 10 feet. I opened my eyes, and was surprised that I seemed to be floating. But I wasn't, no, something had caught me. And that something was illijah.
"Your cute when your about to fall to your death," he said with a grin.
He had somehow found me, flew up and caught me before I fell to far.
"Thanks," I answered. I was lost for words. So I did what I had wanted to do since I met him. I kissed him. A short kiss of course because the battle was still going and we didn't have all day. We got down to the ground safely, and looked around to find Ferox, but as he does best, he was gone once again. Illijah healed me, and we went to go search for more bludgers.

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