Chapter 9 The Challenge

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I woke up feeling ready, ready for whatever Ferox has planned. the trouble was trying to think what he possibly could have planned. I was feeling in the mood to dress nice for school, so put on a pale pink dress with a t shirt sleeve, and it faded to black by time it got to the bottom. then I put my hair into a nice bun, and headed downstairs.
"You look nice today," Illijah said with a smile.
"Thanks," I said, probably blushing. No one ever used to compliment me, why would they? I wasn't popular or anything, so why would they try to talk to me?

School was the same as yesterday, stares from everyone, and another day of practicing in skills and training class. the day seemed short which, surprisingly was not a good thing. I was getting more and more nervous about going to Ferox's house. when he said it was gonna be more challenging he said it in a sinister way, which terrified me.
"Hey, you ready for Ferox's?" Illijah said when he caught up to me.
"No, I just wish I knew what we were doing," I replied.
"Yeah, well I'm sure we'll be fine," he said, seeming unsure

We arrived at Ferox's house, where a bunch of people were gathered around what seemed to be a fenced in arena. I pushed my way through the crowd to see what was going on. two people, fighting, fighting to what looked like the death. both were in pretty bad shape. I couldn't watch anymore so I pushed my way back out of the crowd to find Illijah, to tell him we should leave.
I had just gotten out of the crowd and spotted Illijah, when Ferox approached me.
"Hey, you're just in time," he said. " CLEAR THE AREA!" He shouted. "your are next competitor," he said with a smirk.
before I got a chance to talk, I was being dragged into the arena. I was pushed into the arena where another boy stood. I realized he had one power, invisibility. And when two people are invisible, they can see each other. This kid didn't stand a chance. And there was no way I was gonna fight him, not unless he was a real bludger. In which case he wasn't.
"Well are you going to start or what?" Ferox asked impatiently.
The boy was beyond scared. He was shaking and his face was pure white.
"This is crazy, who matches these people anyway." I said clearly angry.
"I do, and I'm not gonna let you out until one of you is dead." he said with no emotion
I looked back at the boy, and knew I had to get him out.
"Why don't you fight me?" I asked. "wouldn't that be a more fitting match?"
"No questions, now start, I don't have all day." he answered frustrated.
I was really angered. I didn't think he could be any more heartless. this poor kid couldn't have been older then 7, and Ferox didn't even care that he was going to die. No, I told myself. I channeled all my energy, and sent Ferox to the ground, his organs starting to melt. He was screaming in pain and would probably be dead soon. I decided to stop so he would heal, and he got up looking angrier than ever.
"GET THE BOY OUT!" He screamed. "it's my turn to fight."
"She doesn't stand a chance! No one has ever beaten him!" A bystander wailed.
The boy was released and a look of relief washed over his face. the door to the arena closed, and it was just me and Ferox. He immediately started shape shifting into some sort of dragon. fire. He was a fire dragon. he sent a wave of fire twoards me but I deflected it with water. then he came flying full speed at me. I didn't have time to dive before I was trampled. I felt pain everywhere, but I was not about to give up. I turned invisible and morphed into a water dragon sending a wave of water at Ferox. it hit him spot on and before it could do any damage he morphed back to human. I myself was back to normal, but the fight wasn't over yet. as soon as I was visible again I was drenched in water, the force so powerful that I was knocked back a few feet. I realized that he had no weakness, for he could morph into something that could take almost anything I threw at him. I didn't want to kill him, but I had no power that would knock him out. As I thought, I was dodging anything he threw at me, fire, ice, water, anything his morphing would allow him to do. this made things a lot harder. Then it hit me. Lightning. There was nothing that could stop him from lightning. So I channeled all my energy, and sent once again that purple lighting from the sky. he fell to ground when the Lightning reached him, and I walked over and yanked him back to his feet. He stared at me for a few long seconds. I could tell he wasn't ready to give up yet. Before he had the chance to try to fight again, I punched him in the face, knocking him back onto the ground. It was over. everyone was silent, no one had ever beaten Ferox until now. So everyone just stared as looked down at his burned clothes and skin.
I knelt down so I was sure he could hear me.
"Good game, hope you weren't expecting to actually win," I hissed.
Everyone was silent so of course they heard it, which wasn't intended. he stormed out of the rink and I didn't bother trying to talk to him. I just wanted to find Illijah, and go home.

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