Chapter 8 Training

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*knock knock knock*. the door. Something I had never heard at my house. Back on Earth I was a major loner. I never really wanted any friends. But when I opened the door I was surprised to see that someone actually cared about me. Her name was Savanna. She too had powers like me, we practiced together all the time. And today, back on Veta, that knocking made me feel like I was back at that day, that horrible, horrible day. Illijah opened to the door to find Ferox, Shar, and another girl, who I assumed was Lana.
"Ready to start training?" Ferox asked with a grin.
"Where do we start?" Illijah replied.
"Follow me," Ferox said as turned and walked back out to the street. "A few warnings about training..." I slowly tuned out what he was saying.
The whole walk there I couldn't stop thinking about Savanna. Back on that day when someone finally cared about me. We went outside and walked to park. We always went in the wooded area to practice. But this time, we were not alone. We were greeted by two very tall men. very muscular, and very intimidating, dressed in all black. Savanna was one to pick fights, knowing she would have leverage with her powers. She had speed, water, and flying.
"Get out of here, we don't need you getting in the way." she huffed. She pushed them out of the way and tried to ignore them.
this time, they too had powers, both had four. this made me now realized they were on the council, but then I didn't know there was a council. I was concentrated on finding their weakness was when one shape shifted, and tore my friend to shreds. I stood there stunned. my friend had just died, and I stood there watching it happen. I was so filled with anger I couldn't control myself. I channeled my energy, and blew the place up. and when I say the place, I mean the whole park. Yes, the whole park was now a burnt wasteland. I quickly went invisible and slowly walked back home. the day was devastating. My one and only friend had been killed,and by the council.
"... so be careful- are you even listening Adaline?" Ferox said clearly frustrated. "Yeah, uh sorry." I said quietly. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind, hopeful that it would stay there.
"Here's the place!" Lana announced.
A park, great. not only a park, a wooded park.
"So how do we train exactly?" Illijah asked.
"That's what I was hoping you could help us with." Ferox started. " All that I ask you do is to somehow give the council and a few sevensets over there," he pointed to a group of people on the other side of the park."some sort of healing stuff and so they will heal shortly after being hurt."
"Psh- that's easy," Illijah said with a smirk. he sent a swirly yellow beam over to the group of people where they all were hit, soon having a glow of yellow around each one.
"That should last for about an hour," Illijah explained.
"Then let's get to practicing, okay so the people over there are the bludgers in this scenario. were gonna try to take them out, hoping that they will heal back after." Ferox said giving Illijah a quick glance. " READY? BEGIN!" He screamed across the park. everyone started charging at each other and sending magic back and fourth. I decided to go in from behind the "bludgers", so I went invisible and snuck behind them for attack. I grew some thick roots right where they were going to step,and just as planned, they all tripped over them, this gave time for my side to catch up to them start attacking them. they got back up quickly, and charged forward, not noticing their attacker from behind. so I decided I would send some fire at all the people with water or nature powers because that was one of their weaknesses. I sent three fireballs out, all hitting their targets, and the three people dropped. this made the attackers turn and look back to find that they had someone following them. Ferox was flying up above them, morphed into what looked like a Phoenix. he was trying to take them out from above. Illijah was in a fistfight with someone who had strength powers. Illijah was really strong and he knew it. of course he knew that his opponent would never win. Lana was taking out two people with ice. freezing them inside and out. and Shar had just took out the last opponent. We had won. a few short minutes later, our opponents were back normal, illijahs spell had proven it worked. it had been close to an hour since we started. And we were all exhausted.
"Good job guys, and with the whole school working together, I think we really have a chance." Lana said excitedly.
"Same time tomorrow?" Shar asked.
"I have something a little more... challenging tomorrow." Ferox said with a grin. " Everyone meet up at my house tomorrow right after school." Ferox said. and with that, he turned and left.

I got home and went to the main kitchen where I found Illijah was already at.
"So what'd you think about today?" he said with a yawn.
"Makes me think we might really have a chance." I said
"I don't know if I'm to happy about what Ferox has planned for tomorrow," he responded
"Me either, he seems a little..."
"Freaky?" Illijah suggested.
"Yeah.... Freaky." I replied

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