Chapter 19 No hope

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We got to the "secret place" that just turned out to be a corn field. Once we got to the middle Shar started explaining to Bethany how to channel her powers.
"Just focus, pretend your gathering up all your energy, then, create a gesture, this gesture you will use whenever you are using the power, whether your turning invisible, flying or shape-shifting."
"Sounds easy enough," Bethany shrugged.
"Psh- then why haven't you done it yet?" Kya snorted.
"Who said it was a good idea to take, her here?" Illijah replied in disgust.
"Enough, just let Bethany focus." Shar commanded.
"Okay, I can do this," Bethany muttered under her breath. Then she took a big breath, focused, and tried to send something, or do something magical. But, nothing happened.
"Maybe a different gesture? Or maybe your not concentrating hard enough?" Shar suggested.
"Or maybe, she's just stupid." Kya complained.
"In getting real sick of your-" I started before illijah stopped me. I really couldn't handle this girl anymore. Nothing she said since I met her had been even close to nice. I needed to take a walk before I seriously hurt this girl. So I turned and started walking, but before I got too far, I channeled my energy, and sent her to the ground in pain. I just smirked and kept walking. Of course it wasn't even close to hurting, but it definitely had to of hurt. I walked for about 30 minutes before turning and going back to the group. When I got back I got the news that Bethany still haven't found her powers.
"Maybe I just don't have any powers," Bethany shrugged with her head down.
"Of course you do," Shar assured. "might just take a few days to discover. let's head back to the hotel, and we can try again tomorrow,"
"Ha! She's not a baby! She can find them on her own time," Kya snorted.
And for once, I wasn't the one to punch her. illijah was. And this time, she didn't get up for a long time. illijah really hit her hard. I just shrugged and starting walking back to the hotel.

Everyone was asleep but me. I couldn't stop thinking about Bethany. I felt bad for her. She really wanted to find her power today. that's when I got a chill. No, it was more then a chill, I was freezing. I looked over to see Bethany huddled in a corner, a look of fright on her face. She found her power. Well one at least. I still could see that she didn't just have one. But how many, I couldn't tell. I walked over to her and helped her control it. Although for the rest of the night the room was freezing.

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