Chapter 15 Earth

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I got back to the town square and approached the council.
"When's the soonest we can go to Earth?" I asked impatiently.
"Well you and Illijah need to gather some people first," he said
"Okay can Shar come and then you can just pick the rest? You know, like you give us a council member in trade for picking who goes?" I begged.
"Why not!" He grinned.
It was set. I was going to Earth. I was going to see my mother, I recruit some people.
"Great so can we go in like 2 days?" I asked.
"Why are you so eager?" He questioned back.
"I just want to start getting people back, the place looks so empty." I replied. it wasn't the full truth, but it wasn't a lie either, so I figured it was ok.
"Alright, two days it is." he agreed.
"Cool thanks!" I said. then I turned and went to find Illijah so I could tell him everything that had just happened.

It took about 20 minutes but I finally found him.
"Hey! Illijah!"I called.
He turned to see who was calling his name, and I waved when he looked in my direction. he walked up to me and smiled.
"There you are, what's up?" He said
"My dad was here, my mom is sick, we are going to Earth in two days." I replied briefly.
"Wait- your mom is sick?" He said, his smile fading, and turning into a worried look.
"Yeah, we're going to see her as soon as we get back." I said assuringly.
"Okay let's get ready then." Illijah replied. then he put his arm around me as we headed back to the house.

Once we were home I got on ziz. I messaged Shar to ask if the council had decided who was going.
"Only two others, but they are going with a council member and splitting up from us, they said we would have more people go but we want to keep a low profile, you gotta slowly take people away or else they'll start to wonder who's up." he said. "meet at the town square right after school on Tuesday. We leave from there."
I got off the computer and went downstairs to the kitchen. I sat down at the table and started thinking. how was I going to do this? How could I take people from their parents? How would they react? I'm sure Shar can help us with all this, after all he is on the council, he has probably done things like this all the time. I was deep in thought when Illijah entered the kitchen.
"Hey," he said with a nervous smile.
"Hey," I replied.
"I got something for you," he said
"Really? You didn't have to-"
"I know," he interrupted.
He walked over to me and opened up hand. In the palm of his hand lay a necklace.
"Wow, its beautiful," I said. The necklace was a gold chain. On the chain was what looked to be glass. And in that glass some magic was trapped. Healing magic I assumed.
"For extra protection." he said. He took the necklace and put it on me. It was truly beautiful. Then he kissed me. It had to be the best kiss ever. It seemed that when we kissed I felt more energized. It was a good feeling.

The next day at school we got a bunch of stares. Not bad, not blank, just genuine smiles. It was downright freaky. I probably had the dumbest look on my face, an expression that said; "what is wrong with you". That evening was pretty relaxing. I just sat on my bed read a book. But, sleep was horrible. I couldn't sleep because I was so anxious about the next day. And when I finally did get to sleep, I had nightmares. Dreams about getting home and my mother being dead, and of people fighting and screaming when we tried to take them. And, dreams of Ferox. Dreams about him coming back, still alive, and not only killing me, but killing everyone I cared about first.

I woke up anxious. I was really nervous about the trip I was going to be taking. And when I got downstairs, I realized Illijah was too. He looked like he was going to have a panic attack. I walked up to him and hugged him, hoping it would make him feel a little better. I knew it worked because after we let go he was smiling. And I was too.

School had started to feel normal. Nothing seemed surprising, or different. Mrs. Klips class had been back to normal. Worksheets, and maybe some practicing.

After school let out I made my way to the town square, my heart was racing.

I got to the town square where I was greeted by Shar and illijah. I had my bags packed and had put them with the boy's bags before school that day.
"You ready?" Shar asked.
"As I'll ever be," I replied.
"Let's get going then," Shar said.
I grabbed my bag and waited for Shar to instruct me on where to go. But he didn't, he just grabbed me and illijah's hands, then I felt a huge gust of wind. Just like I had the day I was taken from my house. before I knew it we were in a parking lot. I looked around stunned.
"Welcome to Earth," Shar said with a grin.

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