Chapter 7 Sick

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I woke up feeling awful. My head hurt really bad. I hadn't felt so bad since I had first got my powers. It made me wonder what would happen this time. I decided to drag myself out of bed and get dressed for school. I felt like everything was slowly making my head hurt more and more. I got downstairs and went in the kitchen where I found Illijah, sitting on a chair by the table, with his arms folded on the table and his head down.
"Hey," I said
"I have the WORST headache today," he responded.
"Me too," I said thinking about the coincidence.
"Today is gonna be just like when You first got here a couple days ago. that was the last time I had gotten a headache," he grouched.
"What happened last time?" I asked worriedly.
"Let's just say I found out I don't only have healing powers." was all he said.
"Oh- well you going to school today?" I asked.
"They'll probably kick down our doors and drag me if I don't," he said with a snicker."lets get going." As soon as he stood up he collapsed onto the ground.
"Oh my god are you okay?!?" I worried.
"Fine, just stood up too quickly"he said but something in his voice said he believed something different.

We arrived at the school where complete chaos was happening. People were fighting people everywhere I looked.
"Great, perfect day to have a headache," Illijah said sarcastically.
We walked inside and all eyes turned on us, just like yesterday. we just tried to ignore it and kept walking until we got to Mrs. Klips class.
We hurried into her class and took our spots in the back.
" I know most of you have heard the news about the bludgers and their planned attack from the news last night and how...," Mrs. Klip started
"What news?" I whispered
"It's on every night," Illijah answered
"... So today we're not going to be working on our projects, instead we are going to practice our powers so we can be more prepared." the old woman finished.
She dismissed us to go practice and I finally learned what the manikins were used for. training dummies. everyone picked a dummy and started practicing their powers, putting as much force into it as they could. All the noise from everyone and all the stuff going on was really hurting my head. I decided to go sit down for a minute and try to make it stop. I sat down and rested my elbows on my knees, and put my head on my hands. my headache was getting worse and worse and I couldn't take it. then I heard a sizzling sound and looked up. all the dummies were disintegrated. Everyone was looking around,
Confused as to what just happened. did I do that? Who else could of? Then the dummies sprang up from the ground, leaving a fresh set to practice on.
"Did you do that?" Illijah asked clearly confused.
"I'm not sure, I was just trying to deal with this headache, then bam, they were gone." I answered truthfully.
Illijah just looked like this all seemed normal, maybe that's what he meant earlier when he said his last one was bad.

As the school day came to end, things only got more chaotic, and my headache only got worse. As I was walking home a group of about 10 people statered talking to me all at once.
"This is your fault!"
"Everything was fine until you showed up!"
"Your probably working with the bludgers!"
All the noises and shouts and screams were making my head hurt more and more and finally I couldn't take it any longer, I channeled all of my energy and before I realized it everyone was on the ground screaming in pain. and of all the things I could have done, I just left them. soon they would be dead, not a trace of how though. and I didn't stop walking until I got home. when I got inside Illijah could tell something bad happened.
"You too?" He asked, like he knew exactly what happened and he did the same. "none of this is our fault,"he said he walked up and hugged me. "They just want to have closure, so blaming us seems easiest."
I couldn't help thinking that I might have something to do with it.

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