Chapter 18 Frustration

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I walked with the girl back over to Shar.
"okay, so this Kya Les, she has nature fire and water powers, although you both probably know that part," Shar said glance at me and illijah. "she is 15 and this one," Shar said looking at the beat up girl, "her name is Bethany Norman, age 14, powers unidentified," Shar finished.
"What is going on?" The girl named Bethany asked.
Shar ignored the question and started talking again.
"The council wants us to stay here until she finds her powers, so I got us a hotel up town a little ways."
"What makes you think I'm going anywhere with you people?" Kya grouched.
"I'll explain on the way," Shar said.

We started walking to the hotel Shar was taking us to. As Shar gave his speech about Veta to the two girls me and illijah starting talking.
"How long do you think we are going to be here for?" I asked
"Hard to say, I'm guessing now that she knows she has powers, three days?" He answered.
"What are going to do with that one?" I nodded towards Kya.
"I don't know, but if she keeps doing that, she's gonna have a long dark future ahead of her."
"Let's just hope she drops the attitude,"

We kept walking for a few more miles before came to the hotel.
"Alright everyone, let me do the talking here," Shar said before we went inside.
When we got up to the front desk Shar told the man we had two rooms reserved, but of course he didn't believe him because Shar is only 13 years old. Shar had done something weird. He closed his eyes, and stood frozen for about two minutes, when he opened his eyes, the man at the front desk seemed different.
"Right this way," the man said nervously. Shar just turned back to us and winked, before he started following the man.

We got ours rooms and the man went back downstairs and Shar started talking again.
"Okay girls, you get that one. Get settled in and meet back out here in 10 minutes." then he walked into his room. When I entered the room I was going to be staying I was shocked. The room was huge. Three beds that I assumed were king sized, four dressers, I huge kitchen area, two bathrooms, and a large balcony.
"I'm not staying in a room with this loser." Kya grumbled.
"Well your going to have to deal with it." I answered.
I walked into the room, the girls behind me, when I heard a noise. it was faint but clear. I knew Kya was getting ready to throw fire at me. so I stopped, turned, and summoned ice. Then I walked right up to her and smacked her with my frozen hand. she fell to the ground shivering.
"Listen, your going do, what we tell you to do, and once we go back to Veta, I'll never have to speak to you again,got it?" I said clearly agitated.
She nodded and started to stand back up.

Once we settled in we walked back out to wait for illijah and Shar.
"Great, now we can go find this ones power." Shar said looking at Bethany.
As we walked out the door Shar started talking to me.
"What happened to Kya, you know, her face?"
"Oh that, yeah, I kinda slapped her," I answered.
"What did she do this time?"
"She was trying to throw fire at me, so, I slapped her ice," I shrugged. "now where are we going?"
"Somewhere no one can see us to find Bethany's powers," he said

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