Chapter 21 Guilt

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Bethany's pov:

I laid on my bed in the hotel room staring at the ceiling. trying to calm down like Adaline had explained to me. I took deep breaths in, and out. Nothing was working. I couldn't stop thinking about Kya. She had been hurting me my whole life. I had emotional and physical scars from her. I hated her. And my mind told me I needed revenge. It was convincing my heart it was the right thing to do too. I sweating now, starting to hyperventilate. My hands were flared up and it was starting to spread up my arms. I willed it to stop, but to no avail. Then something snapped. No, I didn't stop it, Kya did. I was now drenched in water.
"Loser, your a living freak show," she snorted before lying back down.
I couldn't handle it anymore. I knew she deserved this. So I stood up, faced her bed, and let my hands flare back up. I held a flame, letting it grow, and grow. It was about the size of a head before I let it go. It hit Kya straight in the back and she yelped in terror. I wanted to stop there but I couldn't. My powers were controlling me now. My fingers now had snowflakes dancing across my fingertips, and sent a wave of ice at Kya. This time, actual damage had been done, for ice had been a water and fires weakness. This time she had screamed. And it had woke Adaline with a panic.

Adalines pov:

I woke up to a scream from Kya. I looked over worried and saw that she was freezing.
"Help me!" She demanded between gasps for air.
I was stunned, maybe just tired, but I was frozen in place.
"Idiot!" she yelled. She had grew a tree, its roots strangling my neck. I tried to gasp for breath but the root was too tight. I knew I wouldn't be able to stay alive for much longer with such little air.
That's when illijah barged in.
"What's going on?" He yelled.
"She deserves it," Bethany said with clenched teeth. she flicked her wrist, and Kya fell, once again screaming.
Illijah rushed over to me and pulled the root that was strangling my neck. I took in a big breath, and fell unconscious.

I woke up to three faces staring down at me.
"Your awake," Shar said cheerfully.
thats when I remembered what had happened. I couldn't understand what happened to Bethany. She was always such a sweet girl, something had changed in her. I had thought about what Shar had said about his mother, and understood now what he meant. her powers took over when her emotions were strong.
Bethany now was sitting on the bed next to mine, her head was down.
"Hey," I started to say when she cut in.
"I'm... sorry... I... I don't know what happened.... I couldn't stop it." she said between sobs.
"It's okay, you'll figure it out, soon enough," I said assuringly.
"Not if I'm like my mom, or my brother." she replied looking at Shar. he must have told her about them being brother and sister at some point.
"You will get it, I promise," I said.
"We found her last power, she can fly," illijah said trying to change the subject.
"We can take you to Veta, you can learn more there," Shar said.
"Okay, lets go," she said.

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