Chapter 22 Settle in

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"Everyone ready?" Shar asked.
We all nodded and he grabbed our hands. I would never get used to the gist of wind. As we teleported you could feel a second that you weren't together. Like you body was separated from you mind. it gave you the chills.

We arrived in the town square.
"Welcome to Veta, may it be all you ever imagined," Shar said in a cheesy dramatic voice. "I'll introduce you to the council,"
"Well I'll leave you guys to get settled in and all and meet up later," illijah said.
"Yeah I'm gonna go to," I chimed in.

Once I got home I went upstairs to take it what had just happened. Kya was dead. Bethany was Shar's sister. everything seemed to have happened so fast.

Then I realized something. I had gone unconscious after Kya's attempt to kill me. But I had no clue how long I was out. Bethany had gained a new power, the room was back to normal. But everyone seemed to have acted as though I was unconscious for only an hour at most. I decided to ask Illijah, he would tell me.

I started walking up the stair case that led to Illijah's section. When I got to the top there was a single hallway, just as there was with my side. Down that hallway lined doors.
"Illijah?" I called down the hallway.

I heard the faint creak of a door, and saw Illijah's head pop out of the farthest one down. I started walking towards him and I could see he was upset. His eyes were puffy and red. He saw that I had realized he was crying, and put his head down.

"What's wrong?" I asked, starting to get upset myself.

"You didn't have to see her, I can still hear the screams, the last moments of her suffering, I had to end it. I had to. It was too late to heal her." he said starting to cry again. I pulled him into a hug, and started talking again.

"It's okay, you did what you could,"

"I know, what did you want to come talk to me about?" He said between sobs.

"Oh, I was just wondering how long I was out for," I replied.

"About a day," he answered. Wow, I can't believe it had been a day.

"Wow," was all I could say.

"Well, how about I get the redness out of my eyes, and we go find Bethany and Shar." Illijah suggested a little happier.

"Sounds good," I turned and started walking back down the hallway.

We got to council office and found Shar. Bethany was right be his side.

"Hey!" He said walking over to us. "good news, Bethany will be starting school tomorrow, and the other council members have brought back some kids too, we might be getting back to normal real soon,"

"That's great!" I said.

"Yeah, after all that has happened in the past month or so, it will feel good to start getting back to normal," Shar said.

As good as normal sounded, I knew that this place, this planet, would never be normal. But that's what made it special, normal was over rated anyways.

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