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TW: nightmares, panic attack


Nesta had walked Briar back downstairs. She hadn't showed it, but it looked like Nesta cared about her injuries.

They found Cassian and Azriel in the kitchen, Cassian rambling to Azriel. He looked almost relieved when Briar and Nesta entered the kitchen.

"Where do you guys even train? I didn't see a training area outside." Briar said.

Rhys had mentioned something about a library under the House, but nothing about training area's.

"We train on the roof, I'll show you later." Cassian said.

Briar nodded.


Two days had passed since her arrival at the House. Feyre had come by yesterday, wanting to see Briar.

Cassian had showed her the place where they trained and told her about the priestess that also trained there.

Cassian, Nesta and Briar had eaten dinner together. Azriel was still out on a mission.

Briar soon found out that Cassian wasn't scary, and let herself relax around him.

She found the male to be funny. He told her stories about Rhysand and Azriel when they were younger, most of them being embarrassing stories.

Nesta hadn't said much, she hadn't even looked at Briar. Her face was unreadable, but Briar could see she loved her mate.

She had looked up multiple times when he mentioned something, her eyes going soft at him.

Briar was now standing outside, waiting for Azriel.

They would start on her balance today.

Briar had put on simple leggings and a shirt.

She had only fallen over two times in two days. Her walking got better because of the big house and the distances she had to make.

She could hear the familiar sound of wings behind her, turning around to find Azriel walking towards her.

He smiled softly at her.

"Have you ever had any training?" he asked.

Briar shook her head, "I wasn't allowed. I never tried, because I was too scared." she said.

Azriel nodded, his face unreadable.

"I watched the males train, though. It was one of the things I could do. I found it entertaining." she said, playing with her hands.

Azriel started to explain the plan of her training. They would practice on her balance every day after lunch, starting with an hour of practicing.

Azriel showed her some exercises, helping her get into the right position without touching her.

He made her stand on one leg. At first for a few seconds, then thirty seconds, and later for one minute.

Azriel stood by her side. The moments she stumbled over he grabbed her arm, letting it go soon after.

Next he made her walk in a straight line. After the first twenty times, she finally managed to do it.

She said a small yes to herself, a big smile forming on her face. She had said it harder than she meant too.

She found Azriel looking at her, his face still unreadable, but she could see some sort of pride in his eyes.

After an hour, Azriel walked her back to her room. They walked in silence, something they both enjoyed.

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