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Azriel POV

Azriel had woken up just after sunrise, like he usually did. Briar was still fast asleep.

She looked really tired when she had entered his room last night. He hadn't mentioned it, but there were dark circles under her eyes and her skin had been way too pale. It looked like her powers had drained her completely.

He managed to get into the bath without help. His wings had fully healed, but his back still ached.

No one had heard of Jodis and his son after they disappeared. Not even Azriel's spies or Rhys himself had heard a word.

Briar was still asleep and sprawled on the bed when he came back into the room.

Azriel smiled at the sight.

Someone knocked on his door. It wasn't common for someone to be up this early.

He opened the door softly, careful to not wake Briar.

"Looks like you can walk again." Rhys said, pointing a finger at him.

"I wasn't going to sit on my ass all day and do nothing." a grin appeared on Rhys's face.

"What are you doing up so early?" he asked. His brother was already fully dressed.

"Nyx woke us up, I took care of him so Feyre could sleep." he said. Typical Rhys. "I figured you would be awake already."

"Are you here to put me on bed rest again?" Azriel said annoyed.

"Don't act so grumpy. No, I am not. I was actually just checking up on you."

"Everything's fine." he said.

"And how's Briar?"

Azriel kept his face blank, "How should I know?"

"You think Cassian was going to keep his mouth shut?" of course he had told Rhys, "Is she here?" he said with a small smirk on his face.

"Yes, she's asleep actually, so if you can keep it quiet."

"She didn't reject you." he said.

"No, she didn't. But she also didn't accept it."

"Do you think she will?" he asked.

"I don't know." Azriel said. He wasn't sure if she was ready to be mated, and surely not to Azriel.

Rhys nodded, "I think she will. Just take things slow."

Azriel knew the High Lord had taken a look into her mind, seeing the things that had been done to her.

Rhys hadn't told him or anyone in the Inner Circle anything, but Azriel could see it had something to do with touch, because of the way she reacted to it. He was already happy that she allowed him to hold her at night.

"Could you tell her to meet me outside two hours after lunch? I am visiting two camps with Cass, I will be back by then." Azriel nodded at him.

"Don't worry, I am not replacing you." he said with a wink.


Rhys was meeting with Cassian at the House, leaving Azriel with Mor and Feyre, since he wasn't allowed to do anything.

Briar was still asleep. He was very surprised
that she could sleep so long and deep.

Azriel found Mor and Feyre sitting in the kitchen, around the smaller table. Mor trying to give a grumpy looking Nyx food.

"Why doesn't he open his mouth." Mor asked, "Feyre, I think your child is broken."

Feyre let out a laugh, "He isn't the one allowed to be grumpy, but I am." she said.

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