1 | can I get your number

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A/N: It'll become clearer throughout, but Olivia is 25 at the beginning of this story. I'm pointing this out because I use dates in the story, and I'm writing it in present day. I didn't want to set it in like 2029 because I don't know what the world will be like then and I'm not trying to make it up 🙃 Ok that's my disclaimer, enjoy!


For the past several months, Olivia Baker's focus has been on self care. Every morning her alarm went off at 6am sharp. She established a morning routine - wake up, meditate, drink tea, journal - and she stuck to it.  After a tumultuous past two years, a feeling of normalcy was finally settling back in.

This morning was no different. Turning off her alarm, Olivia chugged her first glass of water for the day and got out of bed. She took her place on her velvet floor pillow and let stillness settle within her. Of all her new habits, daily meditation has had the greatest effect. It allowed her to release all her thoughts and worries, if only for ten minutes a day.

After finishing her meditation, she turned on the kettle in the kitchen and pulled out her box of jasmine green tea, pouring a teaspoon into the tea strainer. While she waited for her tea to cool a bit, she pulled out her journal and meticulously dated the top of the page.


While she sipped on her tea, she began writing -

Today is a big day at work. I have my meeting with the network head to pitch my next story. The nerves are kicking in, but I feel confident and I know I'm prepared. I got this.

Physically, I feel at peace. During this morning's meditation, a new sense of calmness settled on my soul. I think I'm finally getting the closure I've been craving for the past twelve months. It's tough to accept that chapters close in life, and some days I feel better about that than others, but even through my ups and downs, it's getting easier.

I know this year is going to be my year. I see solo travel and work promotions in my future. The focus is on me now. My pitch today is only the beginning of the next phase of my career, and this time, I'm my biggest cheerleader.

Olivia took a deep breath, setting down her pen. True to her words, she felt optimistic about this year.

Next, she had to get ready to kick ass at this pitch meeting. For a bit of good luck, she dressed in her favorite power outfit - her purple monochrome suit with an oversized blazer and some gold heels to match. Giving her outfit a last check, she grabbed her bag and headed out the door to grab a muffin at her favorite coffee shop before the big meeting.


Standing against the wall, waiting for her lemon blueberry muffin, Olivia sensed someone approaching her. Hoping they just needed a place to stand, she scooted a little to left.

The man who was now beside her cleared his throat rather loudly. Please don't be trying to talk to me, please don't be trying to talk to me.

"Excuse me, miss," the man spoke to her, "Um, I've been seeing you come here regularly, and I've been trying to build up the courage to introduce myself. My name's Justin."

Ready to politely turn him down, Olivia turned towards him; her plan faltered a bit when she saw his smile on a very good looking face. If he comes here often, how had she never noticed him before?

"Uhh, hi I'm Olivia," she smiled at him. She mentally reprimanded herself. 2022 was supposed to be the year of self. It was barely day 10. She couldn't backtrack this early on.

"Hi Olivia, it's nice to meet you. I know you're probably headed out to start your day, but um, I wanted to ask if I could get your number?"

"Umm," she had to make a decision, and fast, "the thing is, I'm not really -"

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