6 | dangerously in love

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May 2019

Spencer eyed his girlfriend as she put on her earrings in front of the bathroom mirror. The motion of her arms shifted her dress up, exposing her upper thighs. Even after almost five years of dating, he couldn't get enough of her.

"Let me help you," he approached her, taking her necklace as she was undoing the clasp. Her eyes fluttered up to meet his in the mirror, a smile breaking out on her face.

"Don't get any ideas," she smirked as he got closer than necessary for the task at hand.

"You sure you don't want to just celebrate here," his voice lowered as his fingers massaged the back of her neck, causing her head to roll forward. Seeing as he himself had planned the dinner surprise for her, he knew there was no way they'd be skipping, but it wouldn't hurt to be a little late.

Letting out a sigh, she let herself get lost in the feeling, his touch raising goosebumps along her skin. As he started to suck on the soft skin behind her ear, her inhibitions went out the window.

Spencer's number one goal for the weekend was for Olivia to feel loved and cherished. Gripping her hips, he turned her around and lifted her onto the counter, pressing between her thighs to continue exploring her neck. As he made his way to her collarbone, her fingers dug into his back, only encouraging him further. Gliding his hand up her legs, he squeezed her thighs, knowing the bit of force would work in his favor. Her moans echoed through the spacious bathroom as his fingers slid past her thong and slipped into her warmth. Applying pressure, he massaged her insides until she tightened around him, her eyes rolling back as she whimpered his name.

"I love you," she pulled his head towards hers, kissing him softly.

"I love you," he moaned through the kiss. As she began to unbutton his shirt, he knew he had to hit pause before they ended up missing dinner all together. Reluctantly, he pulled away, "we have to go."

"I want it," she pleaded, her puppy dog eyes coming at him in full force as she clung onto his shirt.

"Trust me, so do I," he pressed himself against her, "but we go any further, and it's going to be your parents eating dinner alone."

"Fine," she shimmied off the counter, the mention of her parents dampening the mood.

"You're gonna kill me with that dress though," he stared at her with heavy lids while she readjusted the backless minidress.

"Good," she turned to grab her purse, checking that everything was in her bag. Once her heels were on and her lipstick reapplied, she joined him where he waited. He opened the door for her, his hand on her lower back as she passed. As the door closed behind them, she reached back and hooked her index finger with his, leading the way to the hotel elevators.

The hotel room was only part of his gift to her. To celebrate her getting her dream position at work, they were going out to dinner with her parents and Jordan. What she didn't know was that he reserved a private room in the restaurant for all her closest friends and family to be there as well. When he got drafted by the Rams, there had been so much fanfare. The dinners and cookouts went on for days, all in his honor. He felt that she deserved the same, so he made sure to plan something equally special. And this time she wasn't going to ruin it. 

Pulling up to the restaurant, she ran through all the updates on her family, reminding him that Laura had recently joined the board of a nonprofit and that Billy had decided to take up golf.

"I know, babe," he leaned over the console to kiss her, "your pops face-timed me twice this week to show off his new clubs, and your mom baked a lemon pound cake for his new golf buddies last Sunday."

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