40 | superman

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"You're in the home stretch. One month left until—"

"How is the baby's position looking?" Simone interjected.

The doctor chuckled. In the months since Spencer stopped being able to make an appearance, she had gotten well accustomed to Simone's ways. "Head is down. Ready to go. Anything else you'd like to ask, Mrs. Baker?"

"No, just making sure." Satisfied with the update, Simone retreated back into her seat in the corner of the room.

Turning to Olivia, Dr. Roberts smiled. "Your pregnancy has been everything we would've hoped for. Now, I want to give you some options since you expressed anxiety relating to the baby's due date. You're due on a Monday, but we can never be certain. I know it's important to both of you for Spencer to be there, so you may want to consider getting induced."

"Olivia's a recovering addict," Simone cut in.

"So I'm aware," the doctor nodded. "If we're trying to circumvent the drugs, there are other methods. But I also want to note that many recovering addicts have been induced or have taken the epidural without it impacting their recovery. Of course, you know yourself best, so the decision is up to you."

"I want to talk to Spencer first."

"Of course, we have time." The doctor peeled the latex gloves from her hands. "I'll see you two again in a couple weeks."

After Dr. Roberts left the room, Simone turned to Olivia with an impressed look. "No epidural? Girl, you are brave."

Olivia stared at her friend, confused. "Weren't you the one who just brought up my recovery?"

"I know, but I wasn't really thinking about what that meant for you. You know, pain-wise." Simone shook her head, gathering their bags while Olivia stepped down from the table. "But you're strong though, you'll be okay."

"Thanks?" Olivia replied uncertainly as she followed Simone out of the room.

"How is everything?" Jordan perked up as the women came through the door to the waiting room. After having wreaked havoc on the poor magazine stand, Theo slept peacefully in his dad's arms.

"Our girl is killing it," Simone beamed.

Jordan's face lit up. "Yeah? Baby in position and everything?"

Olivia gave him a tight-lipped smile. "Mhm."

She appreciated her brother and sister-in-laws' show of enthusiasm, but more than anything, she wished Spencer was the one asking the questions. He should be the one holding her hand and making sure nothing got overlooked.

"Good," Jordan smiled, standing up carefully to not wake up his son. "Lets go for ice cream?"

Sensing the downturn in Olivia's mood, Simone smiled back at her husband. "I think that's a great idea! Yeah, Liv?"

"Yeah," Olivia threw in a smile, rolling her eyes as she followed her family members out the door.


baby looks good!!!!

Olivia reread the message she had typed out to Spencer. Tapping her thumb on the backspace button, she deleted the exclamation points. Twenty seconds later, she gave it another read, then added them back in. By the fifth edit, she settled on a period. There was no point in pretending. Spencer would see right through it.

baby looks good. head is down just like we hoped... wish you were here, but hope you're having a good day. i love you.

She hit send then turned her phone screen-side down. Practice wouldn't end for another hour. Maybe he'd have a chance to see it on his break.

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