7 | let's get married

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June 2019

Olivia's finger shook as she swiped back and forth on her phone's home screen, trying to remember where she put the damn app. She had recently regrouped all her apps, but the organization wasn't providing any help in her frazzled state.

Finally locating her period tracker, she hesitated before opening it. Maybe if she didn't check, it would just magically come. Ten days late, but it would come.

Holding her breath, she opened the app anyways, confirming what she already knew.


Her stomach dropped, and she felt like she was going to throw up. From the nerves or the baby potentially growing inside her, she wasn't sure.

Pacing around Spencer's room in a pair of his boxers and one of his old GAU shirts, she debated her next steps. Option one, she could take a pregnancy test and confirm before alarming Spencer, or she could have his support while she waited to find out their future for the next eighteen years.

Looking at the time, she realized he wouldn't be back from training for another two hours. Her nerves wouldn't last that long; she was going to have to go through this solo. Pulling on sweatpants, she grabbed her keys and headed to the store.

An hour later, Olivia sat on the bathroom floor with three pregnancy tests in her hand. She focused on her breathing, racking her brain for how they could've gotten in this situation. They almost always used a condom, and in the times that they didn't, at least one of them remained alert enough to make sure he pulled out in time.

But in the past few months, they've been a bit reckless. Having gone five years without any sort of pregnancy scare, they got comfortable, thinking luck was on their side. And now it wasn't.


Spencer kicked off his shoes and threw his bag down by the floor as he walked into his condo.



"Liv, you here?" he walked into the bedroom, hoping she hadn't left without letting him know.

Finding her on the floor of the bathroom, he smiled down at her. "What are you doing - ," instinctively, he lurched to the left, dodging the plastic stick that came flying straight at his chest.

"What's wrong with you?" he stared at her, still not looking back at what she had thrown.

"Why don't you turn around and see."

The emotions came flooding in as he turned around and saw the pregnancy test on the ground. He didn't need to look any closer to know what the result was. Slowly, he turned back to her.


"The night at the hotel," she threw a second test at him, "it had to be." This time, his reflexes were a little quicker, and he caught it between two fingers. Looking down at it, he got a second confirmation.

"But I pulled out," he stared at her, confused.

"If you had just let me go to sleep that night, this wouldn't be happening," she accused.

"Don't give me that," his eyes narrowed, "you were the one who was begging for me to stay in."

"Well you shouldn't have listened to me."

Silence took over the room as she glared at him, challenging him to say something back.

"I said a few years, Spencer. Not a few weeks," she said, exasperated, "I'm twenty-three years old. My career is just starting. I had plans for this year."

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