30 | that's when i knew

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Olivia gnawed on her bottom lip as she watched Spencer's head fall back, his neck losing all tension the second he realized the spiraling ball was out of his reach.

Around her, the seated crowd let out a collective groan for what seemed to be the hundredth time that afternoon. A few seats down, Billy stood and shuffled his way towards the end of the row, uttering half-hearted excuse me's as he tried to escape. Truthfully, she was surprised he had lasted this long. The game had been going downhill for a while now.

It had started out strong with Spencer scoring on the first drive. Then there had even been a promising interception when the defense subsequently took the field. But if it were ever up for debate whether babies could predict the future, she'd put her money on Theo.

About halfway through the game, he fell asleep, and her arm went numb under the weight of his head. At first, she worried that she would accidentally wake him with an abrupt reaction. But as he seemed to have known, there was no need for sudden jumps or excited yelps. Instead, she sat there, scared to move her hand, in anticipation of the needles that would shoot up her arm, while he got to sleep peacefully as the Packers pummeled through the defense over and over.

Honestly, it was better this way.

Maybe not for everyone else. Actually, she was certain that every Rams fan and casual viewer at home would prefer a nail-biter, or just about anything, over this. But not her. She couldn't handle that two years in a row. No, she needed every second of the last quarter to contemplate which measly words would ameliorate the fact that Spencer's dream had been cut short.


During the game's final minutes, Spencer sat on the sideline. All she could see was the back of his head as he accepted a drink from one of the water boys. He took one sip then crushed the paper cup in his fist, the remaining water spilling over his gloves.

Then just like that, the visiting team ran out onto the field, and his season was over.

As everyone shifted around her, Olivia carefully bounced her knee to wake up Theo. "Time to go, bubba."

The toddler slowly blinked up at her and twisted in her lap, wrapping his arms around her neck.

Hoisting him onto her waist, she stood.

"I'm sorry, Liv," Simone offered, rubbing her friend's back as she followed her down the row of seats towards the steps.

"It's okay." Olivia attempted a smile over her shoulder, but both of them knew it was just for show. "Spencer's the one I'm worried about."

Simone nodded knowingly.

Outside the door of the lounge, the families convened to discuss their plans for the rest of the evening. With the outcome of the game, their original plans of a celebratory dinner seemed ill-timed.

Unable to focus on the suggestions being tossed around, Olivia took a step back from the group. "I'm going to go get him."

"Here," Simone reached for Theo, but at her touch, her son clung tighter onto his aunt.

"It's okay. He can come with me," Olivia shifted him onto her other hip.

"You sure?"

"Yeah," Olivia nodded, already turning in the direction of the locker room.

As she made her way over, Theo fussed in her arms and released his legs from her waist.

She grabbed onto his thigh, holding him in place. Now wasn't the time for a tantrum. She really wanted⁠—no, she needed to be there when Spencer walked out of that locker room.

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