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"How many years until you retire?" Olivia smirked as she waded over to Spencer's side of the bathtub.

"Depends. What kind of retirement package are you offering?" He licked his lip as she positioned herself between his legs.

"I can make a pretty good case." She looked at him over her shoulder, sliding her hands along his arms that lay on the edge of the tub.

"Let's hear it," Spencer murmured as she pulled his hands around her waist, slowly guiding them up to her breasts.

"It'll look a little something like this," she giggled as she continued to give him a tour of her body.

"I may be able to knock off a year," he hummed, bringing his lips down to the crook of her neck. Her eyes rolled back as he sucked gently, taking her breath and her train of thought with it.

"What else?" he mumbled against her skin.

"A bit.. of this," she sighed, moving his right hand to her inner thigh.

"Mhm," he mumbled before his eyes darted up, and she froze under his touch.

If it weren't for the slight creak of their bedroom door, they would have been caught. But luckily, they had just enough time to look alert before a chubby hand forced its way through the gap in the bathroom door. Determined, their baby girl waddled over, blanket dragging along the floor, binky hanging from a plump set of lips.

Wide brown eyes stared at her. "Baf?"

"Not for you," Olivia laughed, smiling at her one year-old.

Nonetheless, tiny fingers reached over the edge and grasped at the soapy water.

"Maya, no!" Hailey ran in, attempting a whisper, but failing miserably. She tried to pull her sister away, but the little fingers were clamped down on the edge of the bathtub.

"It's okay, mama," Olivia grabbed her arm gently, stopping the tug of war before it ended in a fight, "where's Nana Grace?"

"Sleeping," Hailey replied, a guilty look on her face. At only three, her daughter had a way of taking on others' responsibilities as her own. Just like someone else she knew.

Olivia glanced at Spencer before turning back to her daughter. "Get me my towel, please?"

Hailey ran across the bathroom and pulled on the edge of the towel until it fell to the floor. Scooping it up in both arms, she ran back, nearly toppling her sister over in the process.

Taking the towel, Olivia got out of the water and wrapped herself up. When she reached down to pick up Maya, her baby released her grip from the tub and her arms immediately wrapped around Olivia's neck, her blanket hanging behind her back.

"Come on," Olivia ushered Hailey out of the bathroom, pouting back at Spencer as she left him behind. Through the whole interaction he had stared in awe, admiring the way she was able to calmly talk to their kids even though this was supposed to be her escape from their constant needs.

In her room, Olivia dried herself and put on a robe while Hailey kept Maya distracted on the bed.

"Mommy, why were you in the bath with Daddy?"

Laughing quietly to herself, Olivia turned to face her daughter. "You know how sometimes you and Maya take baths together because we don't have a lot of time?"

"Yeah," Hailey nodded.

"It's kind of like that," Olivia smiled, reaching to pick up her baby.

Satisfied with the answer, Hailey slid off the bed after her sister.

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