12 | when we get by

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"Alright, let's call it a day," Todd called over the loud music in Spencer's home gym.

Finishing his last rep, Spencer dropped the weights onto the rubber mat then sat back onto the plyo block to catch his breath. Grabbing his phone to lower the volume, he saw there was a missed call from Jordan.

"You're looking good, Spence," his trainer walked over, clapping his hands together. "Maybe we can go up in weights next week, but it all depends on what the PT says on Monday. How are you feeling?"

"More and more like myself each day," Spencer replied, gently rotating his arm at his shoulder joint. Two months ago, he hadn't been able to do this without major discomfort.

It had been several weeks since his dinner with Liv. After their post-dinner conversation, he decided to give her a bit of space and in turn, he really started to zone in on his recovery. Now that April was quickly passing by, the restlessness was setting in as he made steady, but slow, progress.

"I know you're itching to move forward, but that's a great sign. Over the weekend, make sure to work on those stretches and mobility exercises we introduced," Todd explained as he packed up his bag. "You know where to reach me if you need anything. I'll see you next week."

"Sounds good, boss," Spencer replied, reaching out to dap him up. "See you next week."


Walking into the kitchen, Spencer set his phone on the counter to call Jordan back.

"Sup J."

"You busy?" Jordan asked, trying to mask the excitement in his voice.

"Nah, I just got out of a workout. Going to chill for the rest of the afternoon." Spencer moved around the kitchen, grabbing the ingredients for his protein shake.

"Bet, I'm going to FaceTime you then."

Spencer accepted the video call and was met with Jordan and Simone cheesing extra hard at the camera.

"Um, y'all are scaring me," Spencer looked nervously at his phone.

"Hey Spence," Simone sang, wrapping her arm around Jordan's neck.

"Sup, girl. I see someone's treating you good."

"Oh, he's been treating me more than good," Simone's voice got low as she turned to gaze at Jordan.

"Alright, that's enough," Spencer laughed, "what's up?"

Setting the phone down, Jordan left Spencer to stare at their ceiling fan while he listened to them whisper quietly. From what he could hear, they seemed to have lost what they were supposed to be showing him.

After a couple more seconds of back and forth, Jordan picked up the phone again sporting a blue and yellow cap. "You are looking at Los Angeles' newest Charger," he announced slowly, a wide grin spreading on his face.

"Yo, congrats bro. It went through," Spencer smiled. "LA's second best team is about to get a stud at quarterback."

"Don't get too cocky now. I'll actually be on the field when September comes," Jordan teased.

"That's cold," Spencer shook his head, returning his focus to his shake. "But really man, I'm glad it all worked out."

"When we get back there, I fully expect you to start showing up when we invite you places," Simone demanded, shoving herself in front of Jordan so that Spencer could see the serious look on her face. "No more of that of 'I'm busy' crap. We know you have nothing going on."

Even though he had remained on good terms with everyone after the break up, he had avoided any events where there was even the slightest chance that Olivia would show up. It had been a decision he made for both his sake and hers.

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