28 | let the beat build

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"You don't get tired of this?" Gabby looked over at Simone as Olivia raised the volume on the TV.

They were supposed to be unpacking the new apartment, and Olivia was doing anything but that.

"They're talking about the Rams," Olivia looked over her shoulder. It was the day before the second game of the post-season, and her nerves were at an all time high.

"They've been talking about the Rams," Gabby corrected as she placed an unopened box on the chair in front of her.

"You underestimate this girl's tolerance for all things Spencer James," Simone laughed from her spot at the counter, scrolling through her phone while on her self-granted break.

"Knock knock," Kia's voice echoed down the hall as she pushed through the slightly open front door.

"Can someone get that?" Olivia waved a hand towards the entrance.

Slightly offended, Kia slowly backed out and rapped on the door again.

"Kia!" Simone squealed exaggeratedly, running up to properly welcome her friend.

"That's more like it," Kia hugged her tightly before placing their coffee orders down on the kitchen island and making her way to Olivia. Standing between her friend and the TV, she cleared her throat loudly.

"Hi," Olivia gave her a sheepish smile and stood up.

"Mhm," Kia shook her head, accepting the delayed hug from her best friend.

Turning towards the dining area, Olivia made introductions. "Kia, this is Gabby, my friend from work. I invited her to help and figured you two could finally meet while you're in town."

"Hi Kia, it's nice to meet you. I've heard so many good things." Smiling, Gabby shook her head then made eye contact with Olivia. "But I'm not really sure if I was called to help orrrrr -"

"Oh, hunny. Olivia Baker doesn't do manual labor," Kia laughed. "If you thought you'd be getting any sort of assistance today, you got played. You're lucky she's even here."

"Yeah, I'm starting to realize that," Gabby huffed as she unwrapped a set of dinner plates.

While Simone gave Kia a tour of the unit, Olivia returned her attention to the TV. As the afternoon went on, Gabby quickly bonded with Kia as the two made steady progress of unboxing the kitchen items. Once the kitchen was mostly settled, they moved onto the living room.

"I hate the playoffs," Olivia mumbled, biting the inside of her cheek while she scrolled through her phone.

"I thought you loved the playoffs," Gabby shot her a confused look.

"Oh, she hates the playoffs," Kia nodded.

"She definitely hates the playoffs," Simone confirmed.

"But the past couple years, she's always..." Gabby started.

"Watched obsessively?" Kia asked.

"Tracked every game?" Simone chirped.

"You see," Kia smiled, "for the past couple years, our sweet Liv has had to keep it somewhat cool, but I'd like to introduce you to the true," she threw her arm out in Olivia's direction, "playoff time Olivia Baker."

"Don't listen to them," Olivia bit her nail as she shook her head at her screen.

"You think Spencer's bad, this one is actually insane," Simone talked over Olivia.

"And it doesn't help that there's less Spencer around to keep her sane," Kia added.

"Wow. Have I ever even known you?" Gabby looked over at Olivia with a shocked expression.

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