36 | no manners

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The look on Spencer's face as he jogged up to Olivia would have made anyone assume he just caught her scaling the side of a cliff. With one hand. And no safety gear.

"Baby, what are you doing down here?"

"I have my media credentials," she smiled brightly, holding up the laminated pass that hung around her neck. She looked over her shoulder at Billy, who had already taken a firm stance, arms crossed, scoping out the players on the field. "And he... I don't know, he just somehow has access to everything." Turning back to Spencer, she shrugged, happy that he had come over to see her.

"Why don't you back up a little," he took hold of her shoulders and ushered her as far away from the field as possible.

"Spencer, I was fine standing over there," her smile faded as she dug her heels into the grass. If the Rams had an issue with the new dirt lines on their practice fields, they could take it up with their star wide receiver. Her back hit the chain link fence. "Hello, is nobody seeing this?" she looked around, aghast.

"Liv, you're not getting assaulted."

"Basically. This is extremely unnecessary."

"You never know," he reasoned. Letting go, he did a one over, making sure she was fully intact.

Unimpressed, she fanned her arm out at medical and training staff huddled in front of her, blocking her view. His eyes flickered in their direction, but he quickly turned back to her, pressing his palms together, his eyes pleading. "Please, Liv."

"Fine," she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Thank you," he leaned in to kiss her cheek before jogging back towards the rest of the team. When he turned back halfway to check that she hadn't moved, she made a show of pointing at her feet, firmly planted in the ground.

Sure, she was supposed to be in the stands, enjoying Fan Day from afar. But the thing was—afar didn't give her the best view of the team or Spencer in his tight football pants. And it just so happened that her media pass was conveniently tucked away in her bag. Convincing Billy to go down had been easy, considering he had already been complaining about the crowds. So she saw no reason to not she take advantage of her job perks. That's why as soon as Spencer got caught up in a conversation with his assistant coach, she sauntered over to where Billy stood.

Crossing her arms, she mimicked her father's stance.

"What's up with him," Billy nodded as Spencer jogged onto the field.

Keeping her eyes trained on Spencer, she watched and smiled when he caught sight of her back on the edge of the field. Even through his helmet, she could see his eyes narrowing at her. Still grinning, she waved, then gestured for him to pay attention.

"I'm pregnant. I guess he's nervous a football is going to come hurling at me and the baby is going to slip out or something." Her nose wrinkled at the visual she just created for herself.

Several seconds passed before Billy's head whipped to his left. "What?!"

"Yup. 15 weeks," she shrugged. "It's a secret though, so don't tell anyone."

Billy's gaze locked on Olivia's stomach, covered by a baggy Rams t-shirt. He was completely side swept by both the news and his daughter's nonchalant attitude.

Olivia continued to sway next to him, keeping her eyes on the field. Her dad sometimes reacted a bit slowly, so she knew he'd snap back in three, two...

His arms wound tightly around her. "Congrats, baby girl. I'm going to be a grandfather, again?"

"Thanks dad," she smiled into his embrace, oddly feeling like she as if she were ten again. "Yeah, you're gonna get another grandchild."

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