32 | rather die young

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"Did you know?"

"Did I know what?" Spencer asked as he casually strolled back into the room, his skin dewy from his full body workout.

Olivia pulled his phone up from the heaping pile of sheets and dangled it next to her head.

Spencer's eyes fell shut. The notification had shown up on his apple watch.

"So you did?"

"Look, Liv. It doesn't matter anymore."

"What do you mean it doesn't matter?" Olivia's voice sharpened, her give him the benefit of the doubt approach quickly vanishing.

Spencer took a deep breath. "I mean I'm not thinking about it anymore."

"But you were?"

He couldn't lie. "Yes. But now, I'm not."

Olivia dropped her chin onto her fist and raised her eyebrows. "Please tell me more."

He took an apprehensive pause. "After the loss, I asked Jeremy to put out some feelers since I'm a free agent. I just wanted to see what my options were. But last night–"

Her throat tightened up. "Last night? When we were making life-altering choices together, you were secretly making decisions on your own? You didn't even have the curtesy to mention this before trying to impregnate me," grabbing the nearest pillow, she chucked it at him with both hands.

He caught it with one. Damn him.

"I already told him to stop the conversations," he held the pillow at his side, the skin around his knuckles tightening with his grip. "I called him this morning, but he insisted on sending me updates."

"That's not the point," she seethed. "The point is that you've been glued to my side for the past two weeks. Two weeks! And not once did you think it was worth telling me. And—and how about when you agreed to try for a baby, you said 'let's talk about it' and you specifically asked how I feel about work. What was the point in asking? Huh? You don't try to have a baby with someone and th—"


She tensed at the use of her full name.

His voice continued low and steady. "Listen to me. It was just an idea. There was absolutely nothing concrete about it, and now it's not even that. It's done. I'm staying in LA."

"For how long?"

"I don't know. Forever? Until we have—"

"No. How long were you thinking about potentially moving across the country and not telling me?"

His gaze strayed towards the window. "A week."

"I can't believe you right now." Shoving the comforter away from her, she quickly uncrossed her legs and swung them off the bed.

He tried to reach for her hand as she walked by, but it got yanked away before he could even dare to touch her.

"I'm going for a walk."


"You got to go do your workout. So I am going to go for a walk."

"It looks like it's gonna rain."

"I don't care," she replied through gritted teeth.

He stood frozen in the middle of the room as she rummaged through her suitcase for something to wear outside. All she found were brightly-colored, two-piece sets and floral mini dresses. Why she didn't think to pack anything practical was beyond her, but needing to get out the room as soon as possible, she stalked over to his suitcase, pulled out his hoodie, and tugged it over her nightie.

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