17 | if you let me

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Walking into the VIP Club at SoFi Stadium, Olivia gave a smug look to the security guard as he searched through her purse at the club entrance.

Not finding any weapons or explosives, he chuckled and waved her through. "I was on your side, shortie. Spencer James is a beast."

"Could've acted like it," Olivia shook her head as she crossed inside.

"What was that about," Kia came up behind her after witnessing the exchange.

"Just an inside joke," Olivia said, turning towards the stands. "C'mon, lets go check if we have good seats."

"Liv, you know exactly where the seats are. Just say you wanna watch Spencer warm up."

Olivia took a deep breath, remembering that Kia was only in town for three days. It was only day two, and her long distance best friend wasn't letting her breath. Kia hadn't let up since the moment she got into Olivia's car at LAX.

"Fine, let's go watch Spencer warm up," Olivia replied, shooting her a sarcastic smile.

On the other side of the lounge, Grace, Billy, Laura, and Dillon slowly inched their way along the nacho station.

"How have you been doing Grace?" Laura looked over her shoulder. Considering their rocky history, the two had become pretty good friend over the years.

"You know, the same old," Grace replied, scooping chips onto her plate. "Now with Spencer and Dillon out of the house, it's just me and D'Angelo, but I can't complain. Both of my boys are happy, and that's all I can ask for."

"I know how you feel," Laura smiled, thinking of her own two kids. "Why don't you come by the house tomorrow for dinner? We're having Billy's famous BBQ ribs. I'm sure Dillon would enjoy it before he heads back to campus."

"No objections here," Dillon pipped up from the queso bowl.

"That sounds like a nice change of scenery," Grace agreed. "We'll be there."

"Make sure Carter brings his A-Game. I might throw him on the grill," Billy joked, leading them towards their seats.

"I'll make sure to tell him," Grace replied, following him to the field.

"Those two are taking their sweet time," Laura nodded towards Olivia as she leaned over the barrier between the stands and the field. On the other side, Spencer grinned at whatever she was saying.

"Well, they can continue taking it slow," Dillon chimed in. "This is my chance to swoop in."

Laura laughed, knowing that the college student had a long-term girlfriend waiting for him back on campus.

"I'll make sure to drop in a good word," Laura whispered to him.

"Thanks, Mrs. B."


The game against the Arizona Cardinals started slowly. When Spencer lined up at the line of scrimmage for the first time, Olivia bit her nail anxiously while the crowd roared around her. He had always been a fan favorite, and she wasn't the only one who had been awaiting his comeback.

After the first half went by with minimal hits aimed at Spencer, Olivia started to relax. While everyone got up for bathroom breaks, Kia took the opportunity to ask about Spencer, hoping she'd get a different response than the first couple times she broached the subject.

"I just don't want to rush. I'm doing so well with therapy, and he's getting back into playing. We're in a really good place, and we don't need titles right this second," Olivia explained, trying to sound reasonable. "We'll be in a relationship when the time is right. Like I said, after these two sessions, I'm going to see how I feel."

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