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Upstairs in Olivia's childhood bedroom, Spencer gently bounced Theo on his shoulder while Olivia paced back and forth.

"I can't believe this is happening," Olivia's voice trembled as she shook her head. It felt like the room was closing in on her, and she wasn't sure whether she wanted to scream or cry.

"Liv, we not even sure if they know."

Stopping in her tracks, she whipped her head around. "She said 'God will bless you,'" Olivia mocked Denise's tone. "Bless me in what, Spencer?"

Lowering Theo's head to check that he was still asleep, Spencer paused before scouring his brain for any consolation that would lessen the blow.

"Okay, but it was only a few people looking. Maybe it's not as bad as you think."

"It was supposed to be no people," she clapped her hands as her eyes rolled up to the ceiling. "Simone and Jordan. That's who was supposed to know. No one else."

Hearing steps coming up the stairs, Spencer adjusted his grip on the baby. "I'm gonna take him down to Simone. You good for a few minutes?"

"Yeah," she sighed, gesturing towards the door. "As long as nobody comes in here," she added sharply.

"Okay," he nodded, "I'll be right back."

"Hey, there you are," Simone sighed in relief at the sight of her son. Looking over Spencer's shoulder, she caught where he had just come from. "Is everything okay?"

"Liv thinks people know about her and the baby."

"How?!" her eyes widened.

"I don't know," he let out wearily. "You, Jordan and Kia were the only people she told, and Kia's not here, so..."

"It wasn't me," Simone stepped back defensively.

"I didn't think so," he shook his head at the ground.

"Let me go check on her," Simone mumbled to herself.

"No." Spencer held his arm out, blocking her path. Ignoring the look of confusion on her face, he nodded towards the staircase, holding his stance until she turned around.

Walking down the steps, Spencer followed Simone. He figured he'd get Olivia something to drink and assess the room while he was down there.

"Hey Spence," Jordan walked up as they reached the bottom.

Looking around to make sure no one was nearby, Spencer crossed his arms. "You tell anyone about the baby?"

"What?" Jordan furrowed his eyebrows, his gaze darting between his wife and friend. "I would never do that."

"Let's talk." Spencer didn't wait for a reply before walking towards Billy's office.

Sensing the tension, Simone followed.

Inside the dim office, Spencer planted his feet a little ways apart and eyed his two suspects. "So which one of you was it?"

"Spencer, I told you it wasn't me, and Jordan wouldn't do that," Simone looked at him.

"I promised myself that it would stay between me and Liv because that's what she wanted. I haven't told anyone since I made that promise. So someone here is lying."

"Hey, let's not jump to accusations here," Jordan spoke up.

"I'm gonna ask again. Which one of you did it?" Spencer pressed, his voice showing no mercy.

"Do you even know if it's true?" Simone tried to switch course, her eyes pleading for him to calm down.

Spencer relaxed his shoulders, but his tone remained harsh. "Liv is real convinced up there."

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