2 | a momentary lapse

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"At least let me drive you," Justin jogged after Olivia who had abruptly turned away and started power walking to her car, "you're shaking, it'll be safer if I drive."

Olivia looked down at her trembling hands. The nurse had been so vague on the phone, but the little context she did receive was enough to make her heart drop to her stomach. She had to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

"Yea, ok, thank you," Olivia agreed.

The drive to the hospital was quiet. Olivia was lost in her thoughts and only mumbled a couple words every time Justin tried to ask a question.

"What happened?"

"An accident, that's all they told me," she stared out the window, vowing the car to move faster.

"Who was in the accident?"

"My brother."

"Older? Younger?"


"Oh, ok," Justin gave up getting any more information for the rest of the ride.

"You sure you don't want me to come in with you?" Justin asked as he pulled up in front of the emergency room entrance.

"I'm sure. Look, you've been extremely helpful tonight, and I appreciate your patience with me. I'm so sorry our date had to end like this," she looked him in the eye before getting out of the car and heading towards the entrance. "I'll text you," she yelled back at him.

Justin watched as she ran into the ER, nearly colliding into the counter. After a few moments, he put his car back in drive, hoping she wasn't lying about texting him.

"I'm here for Spencer."

The nurse on duty looked up blankly from the computer.

"I'm sorry, um, Spencer James. I'm Olivia Baker. I got a call that he's here," her words came out frantically.

"Ok, give me one minute."

The minute felt like years as Olivia tapped her fingers on the counter.

"Ok, ma'am. A nurse will be right out to talk to you. Please take a seat over there in the waiting area."

"Can you tell me what happened?! At least tell me if he's going to be ok?!"

"Ma'am like I said, a nurse will be right out to speak with you. I cannot disclose any information to you out here."

Realizing her only option was to wait, Olivia took a seat in the designated area. She picked at her nails as she waited for the nurse to come through the door. On the call, they had said Spencer had been in a car accident, but that was it. That could mean anything.

"Are you Olivia Baker?" the nurse startled her out of her thoughts.

"Yes, yes I am," Olivia stood up, "is he ok? Is he going to be ok?"

"Come with me Ms. Baker, we'll talk back in a room."

Olivia followed the nurse into a small treatment room, sitting on the folding chair in the corner.

"Can someone please tell me what happened?!"

"First, I need to confirm. Are you related to Mr. James? You're listed as his emergency contact on his insurance, but I can only disclose information to family."

Olivia hadn't even had a chance to think about why she had been called. Her and Spencer haven't spoken in over two years. But having been in this situation before, Olivia lied, "yes, I'm his wife. We don't have the same last name." Their resemblance was nearly nonexistent, so she didn't think she'd get away with saying he's her brother again.

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