ærê yœü œkæy

11 1 0

The bird flies from the cage happily
The beautiful dove no longer trapped
It's wings shine as it flies with it's lover
The merry song of the beauty echoes

Why do I feel so light hearted..?

The ignorant human wonders,
So confused about what has transpired
This makes no sense...
The human has had the bird for a while
And had grown fond of the creature

the bird had no fondness for the human.

This stupid, idiotic human had taken it
Had plucked it from it's freedom
Was keeping it in a cage like some beast
and  smiled when it cried out in pain
This bumbling idiot, the beauty's captor,
For some reason...set it free

The human knew not why themselves,
But they did know they should feel sad
They should feel regret
They should feel something

Something other than this joy
Than this euphoria,
The smile should be out of place.
Then the human realizes why

Why they were so happy.
They were happy...for the bird
They were glad to see it so joyful
They smiled cause of it's freedom

See, the human came to a realization.
That, it doesn't matter what transpires,
So long as they are happy, then you should be happy for them.
For that is a sign of truly caring for another

The human, being blessed with such a realization, stood and walked to the door.
They decided in that moment to be someone that cares.
As they stepped out of that door,
The world went black.

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