Chapter 3: Stupid Bets Should not Divide Friendships

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(I honestly don't know what it is with Echoes, but it is definitely my top three of fire emblem games. It is just that good. Anyone, one of the most powerful aspects of the game is the friendship Alm has with Gray, Tobin, and Kliff. It is just so good. Enjoy!)

            "Well, that was definitely not the results I expected from that" Jedah confessed as Rinea and Berkut reported what had happened with Mae and Boey.

"Maybe we should not test this on our classmates" Rinea suggested, "If the results are not what you expected, it may cause more trouble than results"

Although Rinea is working for him, she really didn't want to harm her classmates. She cared about them, even if she didn't know most of them.

"Pah! Why do you care?" Jedah snapped as he tried to grab her.

Luckily, Berkut was fast enough to pull Rinea away and catch his hand. Berkut held a strong glare at the scientist who scoffed and pulled his hand away from them.

"Are you ok, Rinea?" Berkut asked as he checked on Rinea.

"I'm fine" she reassured him.

Then, Berkut turned his attention to Jedah who was working on another potion. He finished it and handed it to them.

"Then, try again" he ordered, "Grima's power should make them go insane and do nothing but harm people. I don't understand what I am missing"

Berkut was the one to take the potion as Rinea checked her Borg Phone and gasped.

"We will be late for school. Come on, Berkut!" Rinea said as she took his other hand and ran out of the underground lab as fast as she could.

They rushed to school, but they weren't the only ones who were running to school. Now, most students try to make it on time. Others arrive on time or earlier to make sure they won't miss anything. The rare, stupid percent of most high school students will make stupid bets to validate their egos. This is a prime example of that. Alm, Kliff, Slique, and Faye arrived at school early to not miss anything from Mr. Leon's class. They were sitting in the classroom with their other classmates, but Tobin and Gray were nowhere to be found.

"They're at it again" Faye said annoyed as Alm glanced at the door nervously.

There were loud footsteps marching towards the classroom as Gray let out a victorious yell when he arrived first. Tobin followed behind and was panting heavily with his hands on his knees. He then let out a frustrated yell as Gray went to his seat.

"Sorry Tobin, but you will never beat me" Gray boasted as he winked at Clair who rolled her eyes at him.

"Oh, I'll beat you at something today!" Tobin vowed as he pointed at him, "Just you wait, Gray! I'm going to beat you and win our bet of which one of us is a real man!"

"Ha! As if!" Gray replied with a smirk before sitting down in his desk.

Mr. Leon then gently pushed Tobin away from the door and pointed to Tobin's desk where he sat in a fumed manner. This went on for the whole day. From running the most laps, food fight, and finishing their homework. Everyone had no choice but to watch this happen and see which one would give up first. This really didn't happen either.

"Are most humans this stubborn and stupid with bets?" Duma asked unamused.

"No, just them. Kliff and I used to do this when we were kids, but we both stopped. Mainly, grandfather told me not to do anymore" Alm answered as he, Faye, and Kliff were watching Tobin and Gray wrestling each other on the pavement outside at the patio.

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