Chapter 17: Goodbye, My Friend

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(We have three more chapters and then this book is finished! Wow! I was worried I wouldn't be able to finish it, but I am so glad I did it! Especially to one of my favorite games in the series! Enjoy!)

            "I can't believe the festival is only halfway through!" Gray complained as he ate some cotton candy with his friends.

"I honestly don't see this as a negative, Gray" Tobin replied as he ate some of his cotton candy.

Gray still groaned at his friend while Kliff huffed at Alm.

"Hey! She was safe in the end!" Alm pointed out.

"Doesn't change the fact you put her in danger" Kliff snapped.

Alm rolled his eyes and glanced at Celica. She was spending this day with her friends. Mae and Genny were laughing at a joke while Boey seemed annoyed at it. Celica soon laughed with them as Alm smiled gently at her.

"Oh, did your dates turn out well?" Tobin asked curiously.

"Oh, yeah!" Gray exclaimed in delight as he then sighed, "Clair is just so wonderful"

Tobin rolled his eyes as Alm smiled, happy for his friend.

"Good luck dealing with her older brother" Kliff pointed out.

"For your information, I asked him before I asked Clair on the date!" Gray said proudly.

Kliff was surprised while Alm and Tobin cheered for him. Gray seemed pretty proud of himself as Celica glanced at them and smiled. She was happy that they were chatting and cheering together.

"Honestly Boey, you could have some more class!" Mae exclaimed as she ate some ice cream.

"Oh, you're one to talk" he replied as they began to argue with each other while Genny sighed at them.

Although they don't argue often, they don't really mean it either. Celica simply laughed at their back and forth as they held warmer expressions and grinned.

"Delthea!" Luthier shouted as he chased after her.

"Come on! Let's try out a few more things to do!" she exclaimed in delight.

He sighed as he tried to catch up with her, but he had a warm smile on his face. He was grateful to see his little sister having fun and relaxing with him without the threat of their enemies.

"Brother! What shall we do today?" Clair asked excitedly as she walked with him and took a quick glance to see Gray happy.

"Whatever you would like. It is your day, my little sister" Clive reassured her.

She was delighted as she pulled his arm and then ran to another section of the festival. The Knights of Zofia were enjoying themselves along with everyone else in the festival which is where the Knights of Riegal watched them from above.

"Are we ready?" Jedah asked as he stood with Slayde, Fernand, Berkut, and Rinea.

"Yes" Slayde said as he transformed with Fernand.

"But there aren't many of us" Berkut pointed out as he faced the festival.

Rinea glanced at him as she realized there was a hint of worry in his voice! She was secretly delighted as Jedah chuckled.

"I've already through of a way to combat this" he said as he held a dark tome, "A ally of mine has summoned dark creatures to fight for him. He called them the Risen"

Jedah then rasied the tome in the air as darkness poured from it and flooded their feet. Rinea jumped as Berkut stood in front of her, much to Slayde's annoyance. Then, the darkness covered the land before them as creatures of darkness rose from it! Rinea gasped at their horrid appearance while Jedah laughed in delight.

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