Chapter 7: Transfer Students

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(And this is my favorite chapter, because both of my favorite characters are introduced. I'm a lot like the older sibling when I am with my younger sibling. We actually are very similar to the pair in many ways. Enjoy! Also, keep an eye on the younger sibling. You've seen that tome before!) 

                     There was a certain buzz around the school today. Everyone was oddly excited.

"What's gonna on today?" Gray asked as he approached Tobin and Kliff.

"New students" Kliff answered annoyed, "I don't understand why everyone is so excited about them. People are just people"

Tobin and Gray then argued with him on the matter as Alm was lost in his own thoughts. Well, his thoughts and Duma's. He couldn't shake the feeling of that power storing inside him, ready for him to use.

"It is a dangerous power" Duma said seriously, "Only the very few could use it to fight those who opposed me. However, if emotions are not kept in check, it can consume you. Luckily, Princess seemed to be aware that my sister, Mila, is the only person who could calm my rising power"

Alm suddenly realized something dangerous about this unchecked power. If he couldn't control it, then what would happen? Would he lash out against his friends? The Princess? He shuddered at the thought.

"HEY! ALM!" Tobin shouted as Alm shook his head.

Alm focused his attention on his friends, each displaying a look of concern.

"Sorry. I'm just a little tired" Alm confessed as he rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed, "So, what's going on?"

"Two new students are transferring to our school" Kliff recounted, "I don't know much about them, but I do know that they are both knowledgeable. A relief if you ask me. We need more intelligence than idiocy in our school"

Tobin sighed at Kliff's statement while Alm was curious about the pair of new students. Who were they? Kliff then closed his books and went to the class with his friends behind him. All the students went to their respective classes, but the vice principal and principal were waiting outside of the school.

"Are you sure they will arrive today?" the vice principal asked with concern in her voice.

She checked her watch to see the time. She has long, dark green hair and wore a golden headband. She had a purple dress and black stockings. She wore purple boots and held a few folders.

"Nagi, please relax" Principal Mycen said seriously, "We will wait here for as long as it takes"

He wore a red button up shirt and brown pants. He has black shoes on this time and crossed his arms over his chest as he waited. Nagi simply sighed at how calm he was, but she knew he was right. So, they waited for about twelve more seconds as a cheerful voice and a stressed voice were being very vocal about something.

"Delthea! Please!" the stressed shouted, "I've already let you wear whatever you wanted on your first day at this school. Please take care of your hair!"

"Aw! Lu! Please leave me alone! I look fine! Better than you at least" the cheerful voice replied annoyed as she stopped in front of the school.

She grinned at them as Principal Mycen smiled at her.

"Hi! I'm Delthea! Nice to meet ya!" she greeted warmly.

She is a short girl with brown hair tied in a ponytail by bow. She has brown eyes and held a cheerful expression. She has a golden shirt, brown shorts, and brown boots. She has a charm bracelet on her right hand. She was carrying her backpack on her back as she stood up straight.

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