Chapter 10: We are There

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(And we have another chapter! Clive had a lot to deal with in this game, and I'm grateful we got have past dlc that allowed us to see this. It was never easy to lead a rebellion, but I didn't know they suffered that badly. Enjoy!)

            Clive met with Principal Mcyen and was informed that both Alm and Celica know their situation but not their identities.

"Alright, the rest of us will still look out for them" Clive said with a firm nod.

Principal Mycen noticed that Clive was exhausted. He knew he was trusting a lot on the senior, but he also hoped with this team, he wouldn't be doing this alone.

"Clive, please take it easy" the principal urged him, "You don't have to do everything by yourself"

Clive sighed as he gave him a tired smile, "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me"

Principal Mycen wasn't too sure, but he had his duties to return to and left the senior alone. Clive sat down in his chair, exhausted and worried. He knew this wouldn't be easy, but he couldn't believe it was this hard. Not to mention, Fernand hadn't spoken with him and was hanging around Berkut more. Clive wasn't jealous about his friend hanging around someone else, but he was worried about him.

"I wish I could do something, but what can I do?" he whispered to himself as he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

"For starters, I recommend talking about it with someone than keeping it to yourself, my love" Mathilda said warmly as she walked behind to hug him.

He sighed as he leaned into her and confessed, "Should we do something to help Fernand? I want to help him"

"Hm, then let's ask him together" Mathilda offered to her boyfriend as she turned to face him, "He's our friend. We should do this together"

Clive smiled at her as he confessed, "I do not know what I would do without you, Mathilda"

"I am sure you'll be fine, but maybe you wouldn't be too fine" she teased as he smiled.

Meanwhile, Alm and Celica had told their respective friends everything they were told.

"Well, I would have never guessed that you were from the Royal Religious Family" Clair confessed surprised, "But that does make sense why Mother Mila is so close to you"

"I'll say" Delthea said with a surprised expression, "Does this mean we have to treat you differently and call you by your other name?"

"I would rather you didn't" Celica reassured them as she looked at Mae, Boey, and Genny who were talking amongst themselves.

She hoped she could explain the situation to them, but she wasn't sure how. Clair and Delthea noticed this and shared a nod.

"You know, they're your best pals, right?" Delthea asked in a knowing tone.

"It doesn't help to keep secrets from them" Clair added as she nodded her head, "I am sure they will listen to you"

Celica was surprised by their support, but she smiled at them. They walked to the three of them and helped Celica explain to her friends about her situation.

"WHAT?!" Mae and Boey shouted in disbelief while Genny held a shocked expression.

"All this time, you have Mother Mila at your side!" Mae exclaimed as Boey quickly covered her mouth with his hand.

"That does explain why you were always near the scenes of the attacks" Genny reasoned, "I thought it was bad luck, but I guess not"

Celica nodded her head as she let tears fall from her face. Mae shoved Boey's hand back to him as she looked at her.

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