Chapter 18: A Scaring Yell of Despair

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(We have two more chapters and this story is done! I am very relieved too! Echoes is my favorite game in the series, but this shares some worrying memories for me personally. I am just happy I could finish it. After this, I think I know what stories to post next. For now, enjoy!)

             "Yarh!" Hero exclaimed as he cut down another stall with little less effort.

Kliff groaned in pain as Prince gently put him down. He looked up and saw his friend going on a rampage.

"What did you do?" Kliff asked in a threatening tone as he picked himself up.

"We've made a mistake" Prince confessed as he shook his head, "You deal with him"

"Are you kidding me?!" Kliff exclaimed in a disgusted manner, "All you've done is hurt others and take whatever you deem is rightful yours! That is the stupidest things I've ever seen! All my friend has been trying to do is help others who he doesn't know or know! Forget it, I'll save my friend"

Kliff transformed into the Skeptical Mage as he flew after Hero. Prince pondered his words before leaving. However, as Jedah disappeared, so did the Risen.

"Where did they go?" Tough Baron wondered as he saw the Risen melt into the ground.

He jumped back as he let out a scream. Calm Soldier transformed back as he fell to his knees and panted.

"Lukas!" Tough Baron exclaimed with worry as he felt pain and transformed back to help his friend.

Golden Knight glanced at his two friends with worry.

"They've reached their limit" he whispered.

Fading Cavalier noticed his former friend's distracted expression and then swung the lance downward, hard, forcing the Golden Knight to fall to his knees.

"Do you have to keep your guard down, you foolish knight?" Fading Cavalier taunted as he put more pressure on his lance, "They are worth nothing to you. They were not your real friends!"

Golden Knight struggled against Fading Cavalier's pressure. His friend was hurting, but Golden Knight wasn't sure how he could save him.

"Neptune, can't I do anything to save him?" Clive asked in a desperate tone.

"This isn't darkness if that's what you mean" Neptune replied.

"I knew it. It was just him acting out" Clive answered disappointed in himself, "Very well, then I will have to do everything I can to stop him!"

Golden Knight stood up slowly as more power grew in himself. Fading Cavalier could feel the power rising in his former friend!

"What?" Fading Cavalier whispered in disbelief.

Golden Knight closed his eyes as he felt the power growing in him. Once he felt his friend's grip struggling to keep him back, Golden Knight let out a yell and with all his might, pushed Fading Cavalier away! Fading Cavalier struck a stall and collapsed into it. He picked himself up and tried to focus on his whereabouts.

"Yah!" Golden Knight exclaimed as he lunged at his friend his golden lance behind him.

Fading Cavalier only had enough time to raise his lance to block the incoming strike. He spun his lance to counter the forward strike first, but Golden Knight then punched Fading Cavalier in the stomach to have him clutch it in pain. Then, Golden Knight swiftly snatched the lance out of Fading Cavalier's hand. He then used his other hand to reach out and take back his lance, but then Golden Knight swung his lance to Fading Cavalier's right side to pin him to the ground! Fading Cavalier gasped before Golden Knight pointed his own lance at him.

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