Chapter 8: You are Tougher Together

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(And I am back! I honestly loved writing this again. I forgot how much this cast rocks! I cannot wait to write for it too! Although, we almost halfway through the book which is crazy! Anyway, more of Alm's side today. Don't worry, Celica gets her own stuff too. Enjoy!)

         "How is it my fault that I lack ambition?" Python asked with a yawn as he and Lukas were heading to the Liprica Library with Kliff behind them.

Kliff was fascinated with the information about the Ice Tome that he offered to tag along and help research. As for Lukas, he was already given the task of looking into this. Forsyth had to remain at the school just in case anything else happened. What about Python? Since Python had a free day, the Knights of Zofia just assigned him to go with Lukas and Kliff.

"Because you didn't have anything in your schedule. We could use all the help we can get" Lukas answered as he stepped into the library and towards the history section.

"Right, but you have GPA scholar kid here. Why on earth do you need me?!" Python exclaimed loudly as the librarian shushed them.

Lukas apologized to the librarian for his loud friend while Kliff went to work. The library is very vast and has many different sections for anyone to research. This was one of the huge, generous donations made by Rudolf himself.

Albein Alm Rudolf is the current mayor of their town. He has listened to his people to make his town strong and safe. He doesn't believe in weakness and will do everything he can to strengthen his town. Though, he is very kind and quiet. He doesn't show his face around too much, but perhaps that will change.

"Ugh, can I at least get us some food and water? It seems like we are going to be here forever!" Python complained as he sat at a table while Kliff was taking notes.

"I suppose so" Lukas said with a sigh as he dropped off a few more books, "It won't do us any good with your complaining"

Python cheered and bolted away from them. Lukas sighed as he picked up another book and began to read it himself.

"My friends are colorful people" Lukas said with a sigh.

"I can relate" Kliff replied as Lukas chuckled.

Kliff took note of something interesting about the book he was reading. It always mentioned an Author who present in these stories. Though, she appeared at the end of it.

"Do you know an Author?" Kliff asked curiously.

"No, I can't say that I have. Unless you mean Genny. She does write fantastic works herself" Lukas replied.

Kliff shook his head, but he wrote down the Author in his notes. He hoped to cross paths with the Author, but he continued his research. Meanwhile, the Hero and Princess had decided to patrol around their town. Although most of their attacks have been near their school, they knew it would be best to take a look around their town.

"Well, that does it" Hero said as he stretched and turned to the Princess.

She remained quiet and was overlooking their town. Everyone was going about their day, as if nothing had happened. She knew that everyone was safe, but it still scared her. Mila knew her fears well, but Princess was also worried about her brother. Although Conrad was pretty lenient on his rules, he was starting to worry when she came home tired and fatigued. Hero noticed her worries and decided to do something about it.

"Hey, Princess" he spoke as friendly as he could without stuttering, "Is everything ok? If you need someone to listen or help, I can try. It might not be much, but it is better to talk about it than keep it bottled up"

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