Chapter 14: Family Bonds

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(And the conclusion to the two-part special is here! The theme of family, siblings, and friends is really strong in this one. I love that so much. I hope we get more Fire Emblem games like that, but I don't know. Enjoy!)

             "This is bad" Smart Guru whispered in worry as he pulled Mage close to him.

"You sure took your time, you foolish Prince" Jedah mocked as Prince pointed his lance at Hero.

"I came when you needed it most" Prince snapped back as he swung his lance relentlessly to knock Hero back.

"Hero!" Princess said worriedly as Hero shook his head.

"Don't worry about me, I've got him!" Hero said as he let Prince swing his lance at him, "Come on, Prince! Try and beat me if you can!"

Prince let out a frustrated growl as he swung his lance with his might to knock Hero back! Hero used that push to then run away and led the Prince away.

"We can handle this" Skeptical Mage said to Princess, "Go and help him. He won't last long against him by himself"

She said in relief, "Thank you"

She ran after Hero as Skeptical Mage and Smart Guru faced Jedah with Sonya transforming back as Dark Enchantress. She placed her little sister behind her as she faced her father.

"Where is his item?" Smart Guru asked as he prepared to face him.

"He has it around his wrist. Don't hold anything back" she said as she cracked her knuckles and faced her father.

Prince continued to chase after Hero who continued to run away.

"I really need another plan" Alm said.

"And what kind of plan do you want?" Duma asked.

"Something to knock sense into my cousin who I honestly just discovered to be related to me!" Alm shouted as he avoided another strike.

"Why not annoy him? You and your friends are good at that" Duma suggested.

"I don't think that's going to help!" Alm shouted as he barely avoided the strikes of Prince's lance, "Wait, no, you're onto something!"

He turned to Prince as he held his sword to block the next strike. Hero held his ground against the Prince who stood before him and tried to push Hero down.

"You cannot overpower me" Prince said seriously.

"No, but I can outsmart you. You're not very bright are you" Hero taunted as he ducked in time to avoid his strike.

He quickly took a glance behind and then focused on fighting his cousin. He continued to move away from his strikes and then ducked as the Prince rammed the lance into a pillar! Hero ran back and laughed as he saw the Prince struggling to break his lance from it.

"Ha! I told you!" Hero shouted in a taunt.

Prince growled as he turned towards her.

"But now, you can listen to me" Hero said calmly as he dropped his sword and raised his hands up, "I have to tell you something important"

"I don't have to listen to you!" he shouted as he let go of the lance and lunged towards Hero.

He roughly grabbed the Hero by his throat and held him in the air!

"Alm!" Duma exclaimed in worry.

"Please listen to me" Hero pleaded to him, "You have a cousin"

"What?" Prince asked as he glared at him.

"Yes, you have a cousin" Hero said as he used his strength to slowly loosen the Prince's grip, "He's worried about you along his grandfather. Your girlfriend is worried too. Please stop doing this before you actually hurt someone you care about"

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