Chapter 15: Fly High and Reach the Sky!

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(One of the elements of Three Houses that works is the Ashen Wolves having support from everyone. This is definitely one of the weakest parts of Echoes. I wished the DLC characters had supports from others! Enjoy!)

                 "WHAT!?" everyone in Alm and Celica's class exclaimed in disbelief.

"We are still holding the school festival?" Luthier asked amazed.

"How?" Delthea asked in disbelief as Luthier shhed her.

"Because Mr. Rudolf is funding it in honor of his nephew!" Mr. Leon proclaimed.

"But he's not even graduating. He has one more year" Kliff pointed out as Mr. Leon glared at him.

"Look it isn't my idea, but your principal said so! We will be working with the freshman class to make a wonderful school festival! I want you to set a good example and work together!" Mr. Leon said seriously as he glared at his students.

Everyone agreed, especially Delthea. The doors to their classroom opened to reveal the freshman class. Among the students was Emma, Est, Genny, and Hestia with Miss Irma.

"It is a pleasure to work with you" Miss Irma said warmly.

"Now! Get to it, everyone! You need a few booths and a main event too!" Mr. Leon said excitedly as everyone cheered.

Meanwhile, Mr. Valbar was letting the juniors run around in the gym as Mr. Kamui arrived with senior class behind him.

"Hello everyone" Mr. Kamui greeted until he saw Python running from Forsyth while the rest of the students ignored them.

Mr. Kamui glanced at Mr. Valbar with concern as his friend just sighed.

"This is normal" Lukas answered for him as Clive looked very disappointed in them.

Mathilda cracked her knuckles as she marched right towards them and roughly pulled them apart.

"Enough! Now, sit down and listen to your teachers!" she ordered seriously as she forced them to sit down.

"Yes, Mathilda" they said in disappointment as Mr. Kamui grinned at her.

Everyone was quiet as they waited for their teachers to speak.

"Now, we will still be holding our school festival later this week" Mr. Kamui said as he gestured to Berkut, "You can thank Berkut's family for this"

Everyone turned to him as he shook his head and remained quiet. This surprised some of his classmates, considering he would often boast about his family.

"Are you ok?" Rinea whispered to him.

"I'm fine" he reassured her with a nod of his head.

They focused on their teachers who shared a look.

"So, the freshman and sophomores are going to be together for this year. That means the seniors and juniors will work together. We will need a few booths as well as a main event. I expect everyone to work together and do your best" Mr. Valbar said with a nod of his head.

Everyone agreed as they turned to each other and began to discuss their plans for the school festival.

"We should do a food stand!" Forsyth suggested excitedly.

"What would even cook?" Python asked annoyed.

"I am just suggesting ideas!" Forsyth snapped at his friend who laughed.

"Actually, that's a good idea" Clive said warmly, "Food is the best way to bring people together in times of crisis and happy occasions as well"

"We can bake sweets" Shade suggested, "I could prepare mochi"

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