Chapter 12: No Thoughts Just Power!

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(Atlas should've been an axe person, but I am glad the app reflected that. I also like Yuzu. Honestly, I wished the dlc characters could've interacted with the main cast. I know it was used to promote the cards, but it would've been cool to see. Enjoy!)

          "Guys! I've got an idea!" Gray shouted as he arrived at Alm's house to deliver his missing assignments with Tobin and Kliff.

"Did it hurt you to think of it?" Kliff teased.

"No, but it will hurt you!" Gray answered with a smirk, "But I think we need some training"

"Training? For what?" Tobin asked curiously as he and Alm were working on their math homework.

"To use our powers! Let's be honest, we have been getting attacked, but we get help from others" Gray explained as Kliff opened a book to read, "And we are getting soft"

"Soft?" Alm asked unsure.

"Yes! We have to get stronger! We need a workout!" Gray exclaimed as he pointed his pencil at Alm.

"Fe! You're just a boy" Zeke chided as he placed a tray of snacks for them, "You can't handle a real workout"

Gray scoffed at him as Alm suggested, "Well, if anyone is going to train us, who would it be? Zeke?"

"No, I have a job and enough work as is looking after you" Zeke answered firmly as he sat by him, "And do not get my wife involved either"

"Duly noted" Tobin whimpered at his intimidation.

"Then, who's going to train us?" Alm asked to help his friend.

"Oh! I've got the perfect teachers!" Gray answered with a grin.

After they finished catching Alm up on his homework, Gray took them to the gym's outdoor track where Yuzu and Atlas were standing and stretching.

"You've got to be kidding me" Kliff said annoyed.

"Ta dah! Meet our coaches! Atlas and Yuzu!" Gray said as he gestured to them.

"Nice to see you outside of school" Yuzu said with a bow.

"Hey! How are all of ya?!" Atlas greeted with a wave of his hand.

"Good!/Fine!/Afraid" Alm, Tobin, and Kliff answered in unison as Alm and Tobin glared at Kliff.

"Being honest" he replied in a whisper.

"So, are you ready to start training?!" Atlas asked as he stood over them.

He was much taller, bulkier, and stronger than the freshman. He was a junior and had dark skin with white hair. He wore a white, tight, antimicrobial shirt with brown shorts. He has brown sneakers on.

"I think so, but Tobin would like to go first" Kliff answered as he pushed Tobin towards him.

"I would?!" Tobin exclaimed.

"Great!" Altas said with a grin as he effortlessly pulled Tobin over his shoulder and towards the track.

Alm and Kliff laughed a bit until Yuzu stood before them with her arms crossed. Instead of her school outfit, she wore a white tang top and purple, antimicrobial pants with purple sneakers.

"Since you won't train with him, you will train with me. Catch me" she ordered as she took off in a sprint!

Alm and Kliff stumbled a bit before running after her. Gray laughed at them, but then Atlas picked up Gray effortlessly and carried him to Tobin. There, the two of them were doing extensive push ups with stones on their backs.

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