Chapter 11: Broken Hearted

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(And we are back with this one as well. This one deserves to be finished too. I also love this cast! But I am confused why Alm isn't with Celica in the side games. Alm and Celica were the protagonists, not just her! Regardless, Faye is an interesting character that I wish they did something more with. Hopefully, I did just that! Enjoy!)

               "So, he did get sick!" Tobin shouted in delight, "I knew he wasn't immortal!"

"It is immune!" Kliff chided as he grabbed his head with his hands and let out a frustrated yell.

"Why is he upset?" Boey asked curiously.

"Because he was the one who knew Alm and Celica had a crush on each other and only know they've confessed" Gray explained, "He's not happy about being surrounded by caring people"

"No, I am not happy about being surrounded by idiots!" he exclaimed and pointed at Gray then turning to Celica, "When can I have my item back?!"

"With that attitude, never" Mae answered as Kliff let out a frustrated yell.

Celica laughed at the group as Clair asked curiously, "And how is our sick patient?"

"He just has a fever. Nothing major. Principal Mycen has Zeke over to care for him" Celica answered.

"That or prevent Alm from escaping from the house," Gray said as Tobin laughed.

Celica looked puzzled as Kliff answered, "When we were kids, Alm would try and sneak off to school regardless of injury and illness. I'm sure his grandfather has Zeke over to make sure he never does that again"

Celica was concerned about the antics Alm used to do when he was a child, but the rest of his friends seemed to laugh at their memories. She smiled at the warm site, but she felt something odd behind her. She turned around as she thought she saw someone watching them.

"Is everything ok?" Delthea asked curiously.

"Yes, I guess it was just the wind" Celica reassured the little girl and refocused on the conversation.

Celica did sense something amiss. Behind the corner was Faye. She was overhearing their conversations and clutching the straps of her backpack tightly as she tried to not let her frustrated tears fall. She just couldn't understand it. How could her Alm fall for someone like her? What did Celica have that she doesn't.

"Hello, Faye!" Slique greeted warmly as she walked up to her, "How are you?"

She then noticed the girl was upset and quickly reached her. She pulled out her napkin and dried her tears. Slique then looked around the corner to see Faye's friend talking together and without her. Slique sighed and then took the girl with her to the girl's bathroom.

"Now, tell me everything when you are ready" Slique reassured her as Faye took her napkin and let her frustrated tears fall.

"I just don't get it! Why her?! She's new! Alm's never met her! Yet, he's dating her! Why her?!" Faye yelled in a frustrated manner.

Slique's eyes were wide from surprise. Her little brother never mentioned Alm and Celica dating. Then again, she did notice they were acting close, but she also wondered why Faye wasn't with her friends.

"And now, she and her friends are joining ours?! Why?! Why can she just do that?! She shouldn't be allowed to join!" Faye exclaimed as Slique stood there and let her friend express her anger and frustrations.

Faye was soon bawling her eyes as she clung to Slique. Slique gently held the weeping girl and consoling her.

"Why did the Mother do this to me? Why her and Celica?" Faye murmured against Slique as she tried to think of a plausible explanation.

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