Author's Note

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             In these past few years, this has shown both the worst and best sides of humanity to

everyone. Whether we liked it or not, these past few years from 2020-2022, things have been

tough. Mental and emotional health has been on my mind as I wrote this book. I've had a terrible

year in college and then a couple of terrible months when I was writing this book. However,

sometimes bad things happen for a reason. These signs help us figure out what we want to do

next in our lives. I've seen that more than once as I wrote this book. I may close the door to a

wonderful site, but I will be opening a door to another one as I do more for my channel and blog.

I have had terrible panic attacks over these months when I was trying to go about my day and

calm myself down. Anxiety is never easy to handle, but the best way I was able to handle it, was

to stop worrying over something I cannot control, but I also do not wish to live my life in

constant worry. No one should ever have to live a life of constant worry, because life is sadly too

short. Why on earth should I live in worry when I have so many things to look forward to and

want to do? So, I plan to move on and walk away for now. Maybe one day, it will be easy, but

for now, it is not easy. That's fine. Nothing is ever easy, but with time and life, it will be. For

now, there is no point in staying in a place that will give someone constant worry when that

person can do so much more with their life. So, leave your worries or whatever gives you worry

and do something that will bring you comfort and relief. Your mental and emotional health is

more important, so do something you enjoy and bring joy to others. You shouldn't have to worry

what others will think and what they want you to do. You should only do what you deem is right

and want. Do not have your life tied to one small moment when there are more moments to

come. It will not be easy, but it never is. Soon enough, it will be. Take this with you, you can

do so much more with your life, spread joy, and have fun. Do whatever brings you joy in life and

gives comfort. Do not live your life in worry, because you have so much to live for. Please, enjoy

your life and do whatever you can to have joy in your life. Please be happy in your life. 

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