Chapter 16: Kiss, Kiss, Fall for Me!

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(If you get the title, I am glad! If not, that is ok. Sorry about this one being a little late. I will explain why. Regardless, Jesse is a fun character! I like how different he is from other characters, and his dream does come true in Awakening! Enjoy!)

           On the second day of the festival, Alm was with Celica, Gray went with Clair, Clive was with Mathilda, Saber was spending some time with Genny, and Boey was with Mae. Yep, it was one of those traditional couple's day events at the festival.

"What would you like to do first?" Alm asked Celica with a grin.

"Oh! I wanted to dance with you!" Celica expressed in delight.

"I might not be good at it, but I will do my best!" Alm reassured her as they rushed to the dance stage.

"Boey! We have to try the food!" Mae exclaimed as she dragged her boyfriend to a food stand.

"I know, I know!" Boey said in a teasing manner as he let her drag him.

The two of them made their way to the food stand where Lukas was working today.

"Shall we take a nice walk, Mathilda?" Clive asked as he held his arm out to her as she laughed.

"But of course, Clive" she teased with him.

They walked across the festival while Saber was carrying some books for Genny.

"I am hoping we can take note of the other booths" Genny explained to Saber who nodded his head.

"Sure thing, but are we going to get some food too? I am hungry" he asked with a smile.

"Yes! I'm sorry! We should do that first!" Genny insisted as he shook his head and went with her.

Lastly, Gray was nervously unsure of how he should go about his date with Clair. Clair noticed his nervous expression and smiled to herself. She did find it rather cute that he went to her big brother to ask for a date. She knew she should at least give him a chance first.

"Come Gray!" she suggested warmly, "We shall enjoy the crafting table first and then move onto the Haunted House and then the dance stage!"

"Oh? Really?!" Gray asked excitedly as they went to the crafting table first.

Meanwhile, Jesse sighed at the site before them while having some soda for himself while sitting at an empty table.

"Why don't I have a girlfriend?" he asked in a depressed manner, "I have the looks, the charm, and the attitude! Why not me?!"

He let out a wail as Alm and Celica glanced at him with worried expressions while Genny was reading a book with a sighing Saber.

"Would you two mind watching Genny for a sec? I'll see what I can do" Saber said with a shake of his head.

"Sure thing!" Celica reassured him with a smile as Alm glanced at her surprised.

She nodded at him as he held his hands out to take the books Saber had.

"Thanks!" he said in relief as he dropped the books onto Alm's hands without a second thought.

The books were much heavier than he thought, because he fell when the books were casually tossed into his arms! Alm hit the ground as Duma laughed while Celica went to help him. Saber ran to Jesse just as Kliff, Faye, and Slique happened to pass by. Slique stopped as Kliff and Faye walked ahead and chatted amongst themselves.

"Hey! Jesse! Are you ok?" Saber called as Slique glanced at them.

"No!" he exclaimed as he threw up his soda, "I don't get it! How do you have a girlfriend?!"

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