Chapter 6: Darkness is Always Present

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(The plot thickens! At least, I think so. Haha! Also, no I did not plan this to be release when the Scared stones banner dropped. Just pure luck that happened. Anyway, I originally wanted to not use Palla, Catria, and Est, but they were kind of important, so I added them back in. Enjoy!)

             Although Genny decided to wait to give Saber the letter, Saber realized another issue was brewing in his class. His classmates are Clive, Mathilda, Fernand, Sonya, Shade, Jesse, and Palla. Out of them, besides Sonya, Palla is an older sister to two younger ones. Right now, she was coming into school later each day. She looked exhausted.

"Are you doing alright?" Sonya asked with concern.

Sonya has long, purple hair held back by a black headband with emerald eyes. She wore a silk purple dress, long black boots, and had bracelets on her wrists.

"Exhausted" Palla confessed as she slammed her face on a desk.

Palla wore a white headband and a green shirt. She had brown pants on and simple brown slippers. She has long, dark green hair and brown eyes.

"My sisters are driving me crazy" Palla said in a tired manner.

"Don't they all" Sonya said in a related tone, "What happened now?"

Palla rose her head and answered, "Well, I am not exactly sure myself. One minute, they are getting along just fine. The next thing I know, Est is crying and accusing Catria of something and stormed up to her room. I really don't know what they are fighting about, and I don't know how I am going to make them make up"

Sonya could relate. She has a pair of little sisters herself. Although, they don't fight as often as the Whitewing sisters.

"Perhaps you need to let them sort this out themselves" Sonya offered, "You're not going to be there for them forever"

Palla knew Sonya was right, but she didn't have to like it either. She is senior. Next year, Catria and Est will be alone while she attends college. Perhaps she should wait on her dreams of attending a university. Her sisters need her more.

"Morin' class" Mr. Kaumi greeted as everyone took out their note taking preferences and began class.

"Seriously?! She's the worst!" Est exclaimed to Hestia and Genny.

They were currently taking notes on Mr. Nomah's history lesson, but Genny was trying to pay attention while Hestia listened to Est.

Est had short, pink hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a fancy pink shirt and brown pants with matching brown shoes. She has a white sweeter on as she scribbled something down on her notebook.

"I see" Hestia replied as she took some notes on the lesson.

She has a dark purple shirt and black skirt. She had long, black stockings with dark purple slippers. She has purple hair and red eyes. She was focusing on the lesson, but she also took note of Est's situation. It seemed like a good opportunity for her and the Knights of Riegal to use. She was sure the other sisters must be feeling the same thing.

"Seriously! Why doesn't she treat me like an adult?! It isn't fair!" Est exclaimed as they left Mr. Nomah's class.

Marla's class had just finished their time at the gym, so she received a text from her little sister about Est's situation. Marla had a black shirt on with a dark purple, long skirt. She wore simple purple shoes. She has the same dark purple hair and red eyes as her sister. She noticed Catria was quietly walking to her next class with Rinea and Silque behind her. Rinea noticed Marla was approaching them, but Catria and Silque decided to head to the gym.

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