Chapter 13: My Lovely Little Sisters

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(I know, Marla and Hestia are both older than Sonya. I didn't mean to write them younger, but it worked out well in my opinion. Also, two part special! I love that! But also, this is about to get insane. Enjoy!)

          "Man, she's moving really fast!" Clueless Archer commented as he and Skeptical Mage were chasing the youngest witch.

Skeptical Mage didn't like it. It was odd tactic to have her drag them away from their two friends. The scene was slowly changing to the mall and people were fleeing from them. Skeptical Mage realized what the witch's intentions is!

"Wait! Clueless Archer!" Skeptical Mage shouted as his friend carelessly charged after the witch.

"I've got you now!" Clueless Archer shouted as he tackled the witch into the mall!

Skeptical Mage shook his head as he ran after him. He wondered why no one bothered to listen to him as he flew after them.

Kliff, Mila and Celica are here along with the others" Heka informed him.

"Really? Well, Tobin can handle himself for a bit longer" Kliff said as he decided to find her first.

He transformed back to himself and ran into the mall as Clueless Archer and the witch rolled on the ground and crashed into the fountain as people were screaming and fleeing.

"Tobin! Are you ok?" Apollo asked worriedly.

"I'm fine! Can you find her item? She's distracted by the water" Tobin said seriously as he recovered and saw her struggling in the water.

"Her brooch! The one with a bird!" Apollo shouted as Tobin looked at it.

He lunged forward and ripped the brooch off her neck! She let out a scream as she transformed back to reveal herself to him. Clueless Archer lunged to catch her and swim upward. He gasped for air as he looked down to see her breathing.

"Phew! That could've gone worse" he said with a shake of his head, "But I can't believe it was Hestia. She seemed so nice and quiet"

He gently placed her on the ground and then shook himself to get some water off him.

"Tobin! Be alert! Someone dangerous is here!" Apollo said seriously as Tobin drew his bow and searched for the source of darkness.

Clueless Archer searched and searched as a feeling of dread was rising in him. This was different from the other times he faced their enemies. Who was this?

"Get away from my daughter!" a dark voice shouted as a dark sphere was casted towards Clueless Archer.

"Gah!" Clueless Archer exclaimed in pain as he was knocked away and clutched the brooch in his hands.

"Tobin!" Apollo shouted with worry as Tobin's vision was fading.

He transformed back to himself as he clutched her brooch in his hands.

"Sorry... I couldn't do much..." he said weakly before losing consciousness.

As for Celica's group, Boey looked at Sonya with his arms crossed over his chest and asked, "So, why did you want to meet with a bunch of students below you? What could we have to possibly offer?"

Sonya finished her drink as she glanced at her earrings. She composed herself before they heard Kliff's shouts.

"Celica!" he shouted as he rushed to the group and panting.

"Kliff?" Delthea asked surprised.

He put his hands on his knees as he finally stopped before them.

"What's the matter?" Celica asked as she faced him.

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