Bonus Chapter 1: Visiting Family at Christmas

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(Merry Christmas and Merry Christmas Eve! Alright, this is a day early, because I have no idea what will happen to me tomorrow. So, please enjoy this early Christmas story. That being said, this does have a huge spoiler, so if you want to wait until the whole book is finished to read it, that's fine. Enjoy! Merry Christmas Eve and Christmas!)

           It has been a while, but Alm and Berkut were adjusting to living together and under Mycen's roof. Though, Berkut took some time adjusting while Alm was excited to be living with someone closer to his age and related to him. That being said, it was a few weeks before Christmas when Rinea asked something of Berkut.

"I need to fly back to my family's homeland, the Leicester Alliance" she said as she was having tea with Berkut while Alm was stuffing his face with cookies.

"You're from Leicester?!" Alm exclaimed through his stuffed face.

Berkut put his hand over Alm's face and pushed him back to his chair.

"Did something happen? I thought most of your relatives were here for the holidays?" Berkut asked with concern while Alm rubbed his face.

"Some are, but I would like to return home" Rinea said with worry present in her tone, "You see, it is my little cousin, Marianne. You know how she is very shy and clearly nervous?"

"Yes. Is she doing well?" Berkut asked as he recalled all of the worried conversations Rinea had over her little cousin.

Alm was impressed with the couple. They were so comfortable with each other and could tell each other anything. Their support was also something amazing. He smiled a little as he vowed to be that partner to Celica.

"No. It seems she's more scared and worried than before. I'm worried that it is going to get worse. I was hoping to go to Leicester to help her" Rinea said with worry.

"Very well. I don't see why you need to be nervous about asking me about this" Berkut confessed.

"Well, my family doesn't want me to go alone. I was hoping you and Alm could come with me" Rinea answered, "My parents already made plans here, so they won't be able to come. Though, they said they would feel much better if you and your cousin went with me"

The cousins were surprised to hear this. Berkut wished he could depart with her, but he also knew Mycen wouldn't let one of them go without the other.

"Very well. We will speak with our caretaker. I am sure he wouldn't mind us going with you to your homeland for the break" Berkut answered with a firm nod of his head.

Alm raised his hands in the air as he shouted, "Sweet! I'm going to Leicester!"

Berkut sighed as Rinea giggled at him. And so, the cousins told Mycen about Rinea's request.

"Sure, that sounds like a wonderful idea" Mycen said with a grin, "Though, I expect phone calls when you wake up and go to bed. And do not do anything reckless"

"Sure thing!" Alm said with a grin and salute.

Berkut rubbed his temple. It was going to be a long week. He could feel it. Soon enough, the trio were boarding a plan as Mycen, Celica, and Conrad saw them off. On the plane, Alm was sitting near the window while Berkut was in the middle and next to Rinea. Alm was excitedly looking out the window the moment the plane started to move. Though, Alm tired himself out and ended up taking a nap on the plane.

"Finally" Berkut said with relief, "I thought he would never shut up"

"Hm?" Rinea asked curiously as she looked up from her book.

"Alm. He's too jumpy" Berkut answered with a sigh, "I know this is his first time flying on a plane, but he should behave himself. He is almost acting like a child"

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