Chapter 4: I Just Wanted to Surprise Her for the Date

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(Echoes portraying different couples? Heck yes! Are they healthy? Actually, yes! Seriously, this game is so good, and I'm so happy they remade it for everyone to enjoy. Now, we just need Genealogy, Thracia, and Binding Blade I believe. Well, enjoy!) 

               So, Alm explained everything he knew about Duma, the Princess, and the items. Except he also informed them that he didn't know who gave him this power, the reason for these attacks, and who the Princess is, much to Kliff's annoyance. Then, Alm told them about the time Lukas, Forsyth, and Python basically kidnapped and took him to an unknown location. Kliff was concerned, Gray was surprised, and Tobin was in awe.

"You were kidnapped?!" they shouted as Alm pondered on this.

He really didn't think too much about it then, but yeah, he was kidnapped.

"So, we just need to find one of them and ask them about this" Kliff said as he regained the focus of the group, "And we should do this before lunch"

"What? Why lunch?" Gray asked confused.

"I'm only guessing Alm and Tobin remembered Mr. Nomah's history quiz today" Kliff pointed out in a knowing tone.

Gray's expression changed as Tobin laughed at his friend. Alm stood up and put his hands on his hips as he decided to find either Lukas, Forsyth, or Python. Though, he wasn't sure which one would be the easiest to find.

"Python should be at the roof of the school at this time of the day" Tobin said as Alm turned to his friend, "He mainly hides up there to avoid Forsyth"

"So, let's go to the roof and annoy Python!" Gray shouted in delight as they marched forward and climb to the roof.

As for Python, he was sunbathing on the roof of the school and enjoying his peace and quiet before his next class. He still had his clothes on, but he was laying on a beach towel with a pair of sunglasses on. He was grateful for moment like these. Alone, and no one to bother him.

"Hi Python!" Alm, Tobin, and Gray shouted in delight as they looked over him.

"Gah!" Python shouted as he sat up while they laughed at him, "What the heck?! Why are you up here?!"

"We needed to talk to you" Kliff said as he rolled his eyes at his friend's foolish behavior, "We know you kidnapped Alm"

Python sighed as he shook his head.

Once all three boys composed themselves, Python shouted, "Hey! Alm! Didn't the god tell you not to tell others about this power of yours? It is supposed to be a secret!"

Alm was nervous as he replied, "Well, Tobin and Kliff transformed and got hurt. I know I am going to be in more dangerous fights too. I assumed it would be better if I had someone know about me. Also, Gray gained a similar power too"

Alm gestured to Gray who waved the bandana in his hands. Python groaned as he rubbed his hands against his face. Of course, something like this has to happen on the first day off he gets from the group. He sighed and rolled up his towel.

"Well, I better get you four to see Lukas and Forsyth. They should hopefully know what to do. Then, I can leave and relax" Python said, "Well, follow me"

The group went to the library to find both Forsyth and Lukas studying together. They were surprised to see them here, but Forsyth was pretty happy to see them.

"Wonderful! Python has finally decided to join us in our studies! He even brought others to join us!" Forsyth said warmly.

"No, no!" Python shouted as he ran away from Forsyth's embrace, "The Chosen One here made a mistake, and we need to fix it!"

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