Chapter 9: Protectors to Inheritors

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(And this story is finally back! And we actually about halfway through this story! I hope I can finish it soon though. I want to write more stuff for everyone! Either way, I do like this one too. I hope you enjoy it! Also, I know it seems very scary in the world right now, but I promise, it will get better. If my stories give you comfort and relaxation, I'm glad. Please take some time for yourself and relax) 

             After the mall incident, attacks seemed to be coming one after the other. However, these attacks were mainly targeting Hero and Princess. One attack involved the two witches who had tried to drain the Hero of his strength, but Princess and Guardian were able to save him and help drive back the witches. As a result, Gray, Tobin, and Kliff decided to be near Alm in case anything else happened to him. Another incident occurred when Princess was alone and being attacked by Milady. However, she was lucky that Conrad was able to find Clair and Delthea to save her. Hero arrived as well and even taken a powerful hit from Milady, but in turn, Princess was able to cast a spell to defeat Milady. Because of Milady's defeat, Prince was not pleased by this and had decided to attack the Hero when he was really alone.

"He will pay" Berkut vowed to himself as he helped wrapped Rinea's injury.

"Berkut, do not do anything too dangerous. I will heal" Rinea said gently to her boyfriend who calmed down at her touch.

"I know, but I will not let this go either. I will have my revenge" Berkut vowed to her as he departed from his house.

Rudolf had overheard their conversation and waited for his nephew to leave before approaching Rinea.

"Are you alright, my dear?" he asked calmly as he looked at her hand.

Her hand was a bit red from the Princess's fire attack, but it wasn't too bad. She would definitely heal from it. He sighed as he sat next to her.

"Is he doing well?" Rudolf asked with concern.

"In terms of school, yes" Rinea answered sadly, "But with the Rigeal group, no. I'm worried for him as well. I'm trying to help him, but I can't bring myself to hurt anyone else"

"You're doing fine, Rinea. Thank you for looking after my nephew" he said in relief, "But I fear he might be walking down a path where he won't be able to recover from. I believe my friend is countering this, but I hope it comes sooner than later"

"A friend and counter?" Rinea asked curiously.

"Haha! He's a wonderful friend" Rudolf said warmly, "He's been my friend since we were children and had our adventures. He's helping me with this as well. I have faith in him"

Rinea was curious about this friend of his, but she knew she should trust him. As for the Hero, he and the Princess had finished patrolling for the day and had met up to go over anything that seem suspicious to them.

"Well, I didn't find anything, did you, my Princess?" he asked warmly to her.

She couldn't understand why he was being so nice to her. He was hurt, because she wanted a break from their hero lives. She looked down as he noticed her expression.

"Hey, do you want to talk?" he asked her gently and offered his hand to her.

She looked at his hand and his gentle expression. She sat down and gestured him to as well. He sat next to her and waited. He waited until she was ready to talk.

"Why are you so kind to a stranger you just met?" she asked slowly as she looked at the sky.

He was surprised by her question and leaned his head back to see the sun.

"Well, I could ask you the same thing, my Princess" he said with a grin, "But the answer is simple, I trust you. you've been a good friend of mine throughout this journey. Why would you stop being my friend now?"

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