Chapter 19: Life or Death, Or Rather, Hope, and Determination

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(And the second to the last chapter is here! Yep! We will finish this book next week. A huge relief if you ask me, but I am grateful too! I do hope we will see something from Echoes again in the app or general, such an amazing cast. Enjoy!)

                Protective Knight laid Alm on the table as he transformed back to himself. Everyone else did as well as Golden Knight arrived.

"Clive! Are you ok?" Mathilda asked worriedly as she rushed up to her boyfriend.

"I'm fine" he reassured her as he saw an unconscious Alm and a few others injured, "I see you also fought hard too. Lukas and Forsyth are also exhausted"

"Where are they?" Python asked.

"Down the hall" Clive answered him as he transformed back to himself.

Python ran to check on his friends as Clive turned to everyone else. Things were in bad shape.

"So, what is the damage?" he asked as he tried to figure out what they could do next.

Clair and Mathilda explained everything to him as Clair realized that Conrad and his group were on their way to save Celica.

"Let's take things one at a time" Mathilda said calmly, "We can't fight two things at once. We don't even have Alm back. Not to mention we don't have enough people to help us fight back the Knight of Rigeal either"

Clair sighed as she knew Mathilda was right.

"But we do have friends!" Gray's voice said with determination as he entered with Kliff, Tobin, Faye, Slique, Saber, Delthea, and their whole classmates!

"What are all of you doing here?!" Nagi asked surprised.

"We came to help" Emma answered strongly.

"I just came, so I could punch my father in his face" Sonya confessed as Shade added, "And I want to help!"

They were surprised as Randal stepped in with their teachers behind him!

"We also want to help" he said with a grin, "After all, we want this fight to end as much as you do"

They couldn't believe the amount of support they were getting as they were relieved.

"You helped us, watched over us, and even protected us" Palla said with a grin, "Let us return the favor and do what we can to help"

Everyone smiled as Clive said first, "Then, we need anyone who can heal to help us recharge our strength. Then, we need to find the location of the Knight of Rigeal and save Celica"

Slique, Genny, Marla, and Hestia went to work on healing anyone who needed their help.

"I know where their base is, but you will be surprised" Principal Mycen answered with a grin, "But some of us should stay with Alm in case he wakes up"

Clair, Tobin, Gray, Kliff, Faye, and Delthea stood with Alm.

Principal Mycen simply smiled as he said with a grin, "It appears my son has made some wonderful friends. I couldn't be happier. Now, let's depart!"

The rest of their teachers and friends departed from the school. Alm's friends waited with him as he was resting.

"Ow" Alm groaned as he sat up and found himself sitting on top of a green, stain glass.

It depicted him with Celica, Mycen, Berkut, Gray, Tobin, Delthea, and his friends on it.

"What happened to me?" he wondered as Duma appeared before him.

"Resting" he answered as he looked away from him and then down, "I'm terribly sorry for what I have put you through, Alm"

Alm was surprised as Duma explained, "It wasn't my intention to let my power consume you. I should've given you more strength to save Celica and Mila. I am sorry"

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